Hemp seeds, or hemp nuts, are the fruits of the hemp plant – Cannabis sativa. So even if they seem tiny to us, the phyto-power they give us is enormous!
Nowadays, you can not only legally buy marijuana seeds online at the best fast-flowering seeds shop such as with SensorySeeds, but you can also enjoy nutritional benefits daily.

Source: royalqueenseeds.com
Cannabis seeds in the EU
Basically, seeds in Europe are usually only criminally relevant as soon as they germinate. However, this has many uses, and so the seed itself is usually not illegal.
Also, in the United Nations International Treaties on Dangerous Substances, cannabis seeds are not listed among the banned drugs because they do not contain any intoxicating or addictive substances. It can be purchased and used as a dietary supplement, for oil extraction, as bird seed, or for many other purposes.
However, if germination is intended, you quickly move into the criminal area. An exception is here the licensed cultivation of EU-certified varieties and other hemp varieties that do not exceed a THC content of 0.2 percent at any stage. Since the seeds of THC-rich cannabis also have no active ingredients, they are also legal in that sense.

Source: NY Daily News
Why use hemp seeds?
These are rich in several essential B vitamins, which form the so-called vitamin B complex. For example, 30 grams of the seeds contain 10% vitamin B3 (niacin), 30% vitamin B1 (thiamine), 20% vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and 15% vitamin B9 (folic acid) of the recommended daily intake!
This (and the oil obtained from them) are also an excellent source of vitamin E (tocopherol) because they contain 7.20 mg of this vital vitamin per 100 g (in hemp oil 79.0 mg per 100 g!). The daily requirement for women is around 12 mg, for men up to 15 mg, which can already be covered with just 15 g of hemp oil! But their iron content also draws attention, not only in vegan circles.
The small seeds of the magnificent plant are suitable for consumption, both unpeeled and peeled. Unpeeled, they are often used for nibbling with crunchy shells, especially since a hardcore is hidden under the hard shell. Unpeeled, the hemp seeds also provide valuable dietary fiber.
If the shells are removed – which happens mechanically and without heat – we obtain the shelled, softer and milder in taste.
Shelled are free of gluten, cholesterol, sodium, lactose and other nuts. They are 100% plant-based and therefore very digestible for people with gluten or lactose intolerance, vegetarians and vegans, and children and pregnant women (folic acid!).

Source: herald-review.com
Omega-3: Hemp provides high-quality fatty acids
Hemp impresses with its optimal fatty acid profile: No other plant contains such a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids of around 85 per cent! The ratio between the essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is about 3 to 1, optimal for our health. It means that these and hemp oil are among the top omega-3 suppliers!
The valuable gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is rarely found in plant foods. Unlike other sources such as borage and evening primrose oil, hemp oil is palatable and can be edible.
Also significant is the occurrence of stearidonic acid, from which the body can easily produce the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). However, the formation of stearidonic acid, the precursor of these two fatty acids, can be disturbed in many people, so it must be supplied. Unfortunately, few natural foods contain stearidonic acid.
Just three tablespoons of hulled hemp seeds, about 30 grams, provide 10 g protein, 10 g omega-6 and 3 g omega-3 fatty acids.

Source: candidchronicle
Premium protein source
However, hemp is an excellent high-quality source of healthy fats and an essential source of protein with a protein content of almost 25 per cent.
All eight essential and all non-essential amino acids are found in it!
The amino acid profile is just as perfectly balanced as the human organism needs. About 65 per cent of the proteins consist of edestin and albumin, which are very similar to the human protein building blocks and can therefore be absorbed exceptionally well by the body. That is why one speaks here of a high-quality protein source.

Source: health.harvard.com
Impressive vitamin and mineral spectrum
The iron and vitamin B2 content in hemp seeds is far higher than in meat or milk. The phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese and chlorophyll content, which the hemp oil owes its greenish color, is also remarkably high.
In addition, hemp seeds (and hemp oil) also contain beta-carotenoids, secondary plant substances with an antioxidant effect that support the organism in the fight against free radicals.

Source: americanspa.com
For your health … enjoy hemp every day!
Hemp seeds are, therefore, an excellent source of health for humans (and animals !). Especially ideal for people suffering from stress and those who are constantly on the way towards burnout, with chronic fatigue, when the thyroid gland is out of balance, reducing visual acuity or suffers from cracked corners of the mouth during pregnancy – to name a few notable benefits.
The regular consumption of hemp is always good for your health because hemp seeds (and hemp oil) with their numerous ingredients ensure that the organism is optimally supported in its functions on several fronts.
It is very easy to sprinkle hemp – for example, in the form of peeled hemp seeds – into your daily diet! You can sprinkle them over muesli or yogurt in the morning, mix them in a smoothie, refine the lunch salad with them and enhance every meal with a dash of hemp seeds. Hemp is perfect as a healthy snack in between and should not be missing in any desk drawer!