Any condition that affects your body can have a negative impact on your self-confidence – and loose skin is not an exception. There is a wide range of factors that can lead to your skin becoming loose, however, once it happens it might be hard to change this condition. Some things that can cause this include being pregnant, losing a lot of weight, and most commonly, aging. Saggy skin can happen on all parts of your body, but the areas that it commonly appears on include the stomach, face, neck, legs, thighs, and arms. You could opt for invasive cosmetic procedures that will help you with your problem in a fast manner, there are other things that you can try before opting for surgery. Let’s take a closer look:
1. Start Exercising

Source: iStock
One of the best ways to battle saggy skin is to start going to the gym. The excess fat that you lost might have extended your skin, which means that it lost the ability to shrink after your slimmed down. To improve how your skin looks like, you should replace the fat with muscles. But, there is one thing that you should keep in mind – though it will help with your entire body, doing facial exercises might not help as much.
2. Try Firming Lotions

Source: Getty Images
A firming lotion’s effects are often quite subtle and they do not last long, but, they can improve the look of your skin by using it. You will be able to feel and see the difference after applying the lotion for a week or two. Opt for a lotion that has useful ingredients like retinoids since it will boost the collagen levels. More collagen means healthier skin, and it will also boost the elasticity levels.
3. Add Supplements To Your Diet

Source: Medium
Keep in mind that no pill can help you fix your skin problems, but specific supplements can be beneficial. If you want to try some supplements for loose skin, your options include consuming collagen hydrolysate, proteins with amino acids such as lysine and proline, vitamin C, and gelatin. Ensure that you take them in recommended doses and you will be able to see your improvements.
4. Massage the Affected Areas

Source: Healthline
By massaging the affected areas, you can increase the blood flow, hence, there will be an anti-aging benefit to these massages. For example, you can combine a firming cream with a roller. This combination will improve the overall effects of the massage. If your objective is to boost blood flow to the areas affected, you can try natural scrubs such as ones made from salt or sugar.
5. Opt for Nonsurgical Procedures

Source: michderm
There are various nonsurgical procedures that you can choose including:
– Chemical Peels – which is a process of removing a layer of dead skin and in return lowers the amount of saggy skin.
– Radiofrequency treatments – which is a process of using heat to boost collagen production which will in return make wrinkles disappear. We used this article as a resource on radio frequency skin tightening treatments, so make sure that you check it out for more info.
– Neuromodulators – which is a process that is more commonly known as Botox. It is likely that you are familiar with it, however, in case you are new to it, the procedure involves injecting a substance into the loose skin. Although it is a bit more invasive it does work for a longer period of time.
– Ablative Laser Resurfacing – which is a procedure that is similar to chemical peeling but it requires the use of a laser.
Almost all these procedures will boost collagen production in your skin, hence, you will be able to improve the overall appearance of the skin, as well as keep it firm and healthy for a longer period of time.
6. Lose More Weight

Source: Dr. Ali Ghahary
As previously mentioned, one of the factors of saggy skin is losing weight. However, there might be some stubborn fat under the skin that can make it the way it is. This fat is better known as subcutaneous fat. If you squeeze the affected area and see more than 2 to 3 mm of skin, losing more weight can make your skin firm.
7. Buy a Microneedle Full Body Roller Kit

Firstly, you should know that these devices can be used at home and they will not pierce your skin as a medical device would. They will boost the penetration level of the products you are using, so better penetration means more active ingredients in your skin which will, in return, give better results.
8. Egg Whites for Battling Saggy Skin

Source: Derm Collective
If you want to try a natural method, you can opt for using egg whites. The nutrients in it will tighten all the problematic areas. The process of applying egg whites is extremely simple and will require you to apply the whites on your skin, let it dry, and then rinse with lukewarm water. By doing this daily, you can notice that your skin becomes tighter and healthier.
9. Quit Smoking!

Source: flowingzen
If you are a passionate smoker or an occasional one, quit right away. Not only will it have bad effects on your overall health, but it will also affect your skin elasticity. Keep in mind that it is hard to simply quit smoking, hence, do not feel ashamed to ask for both help and support from your family members, friends, and doctor.
10. Staying Hydrated is the Key

Source: Achieva Life
No matter what method from this list you choose, staying hydrated is the best thing you could do for your skin. Your goal should be to drink between one and two liters of water daily. It will boost the elasticity levels and will make your skin tight. If you are bad at keeping track of your water intake, you can install an application that will remind you when it is time to drink water.
Although it can be a pain to get rid of loose skin, there is a wide range of methods for minimizing and reducing its effects. Keep in mind that you should avoid things like smoking, tanning, and harsh skin products since they can lower the elasticity level of your skin. So, now that you know how you can take care of saggy skin, do not waste any more time and start planning a strategy for getting rid of this nuisance.