Plastic surgeons are always busy, even when the results don’t turn out like people wanted them to. Also, whenever someone new becomes famous, they have even more work.  With Meghan Markle now being one of the most fascinating women in the world, a lot of women want to look just like her.
A strange new trend appeared recently- people want to have Meghan’s unique nose. Surgeons are worried that this could lead to disasters.

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The desire of having Meghan’s nose
Meghan is a beautiful woman and does have a recognizable nose. Plastic surgeons described it as a nose with a refined tip definition and natural-looking hump. Many people find this a perfect nose, so it is no wonder that women around the world wish to have the exact same nose shape. However, this look doesn’t fit everyone’s face so people should listen to the warnings.

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Meghan breaking protocol on her appearance
If you look at social media, you can see Meghan’s pictures all over. People are obsessing over her makeup, wardrobe, and hair. Her side profile is shown in many photos, so people pay even more attention to her nose.
If you look carefully, you could see that she inherited her gorgeous nose from her father who has a similar nose structure. Meghan’s mother also has a beautiful nose, proving she inherited a bit from both of them. When it comes to Meghan Markle’s fashion sense, she has already broken some rules. She prefers to do her own hair and makeup, unlike other royal women.
Over the years, we have seen many examples of plastic surgeries gone wrong, especially on social media. Women could end up changing their noses without realizing the consequences.
Surgeons don’t suggest doing Meghan’s nose before checking if it fits your face. Every face is different, and the symmetry is a crucial factor, so there is a possibility for the nose to look unsettling.

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Are patients going to listen to the warnings?
The fact is that people who want Meghan’s nose and have the financial means to get it, they will probably do it. Most people doing this come from U.K and America.
The changing beauty standard is quite interesting on the sociological level. In the past, Princess Diana’s nose was considered beautiful, even though it was larger.
The best advice for a rhinoplasty is to do a temporary one, with liquid injections that refine or reshape the nose. That way patients can have their old noses back if they don’t like the result. This seems to be the new trend, just like temporary tattoos.