If you wake up in the morning feeling aches and your mattress is full of lumps, bumps and troublesome springs, then it could be time to start looking for a new one. But a mattress doesn’t tend to be something we buy very often, so when it comes to buying a new one, it can be difficult to know what to look for.
There are several different types of mattresses these days, and here are some of the most common.
There are two types of spring mattresses; those with an open spring system, where all the coils move together and the pocket spring system, where the springs are individually housed in pockets of fabric. Open spring mattresses are the most popular type in the world, mostly because of their low price, but they wear out easily and can suffer from sagging. Pocket spring mattresses are better but need to be turned regularly for even wear.
Memory foam is somewhat of a new revelation. Although they have been around for a while, it’s only recently they’ve started to be developed by a variety of companies, making them cheaper and better quality. Memory foam mattresses are made from heat reactive memory foam, which molds to your body shape while you sleep. This cocoons your joints and eliminates pressure points, which can cause aches and pains, so they are great for people with conditions like arthritis. They’re also hypoallergenic and anti-microbial, so they are good for people who suffer from allergies.

Source: ebay
Latex mattresses have many of the similar benefits of memory foam, however, they reform back to their original shape much quicker than memory foam, so they can be better for people who find memory foam too restrictive when they sleep.
Once You Buy A Mattress, Make Sure To Keep It Clean
An important issue that comes to mind while buying a mattress is its cleaning as it is not one of those items that can be cleaned easily. As mattresses are used for a good part of the day also, it becomes important to take their care.
Apart from its normal wear and tear a could also get spoiled by spills of children at home and considering the time you spend on it, it’s more of a personal item. That makes it all the more important to keep it clean and care for its maintenance to maintain its durability and keep it in good shape for an enhanced sleeping comfort at night. The bed comes with pillow-top or memory foam. Taking good care of these helps to keep it clean and fresh.
Though we are all aware of the importance of keeping the mattress clean, the problem is that it’s not something that you could put in the washing machine making it rid of all the dirt and germs. So how does one go ahead with its maintenance and cleaning? Yet, there are a few steps in that direction that help to keep it as clean as possible. There are certain things that you need to do on a day-to-day basis, while accidents like a spill need to be taken care of on the spot. There are some useful tips in case you happen to have a spill on the mattress.

Source: bustle
Once you develop the habit of cleaning it regularly, you’ll realize the kind of maintenance it needs from time to time. One very logical way of maintaining it would be to have it covered. That gives you a protective covering. That saves the mattress from any direct harmful attack as the cover acts as a shock absorber and takes most of the abuse. For additional security, it is worthwhile to have a waterproof one as it keeps away the stains likely to be caused by any spill. A soiled mattress can be taken care of, but a dirty one is a different problem altogether. You should check out Mattress Reviews, visit this blog, it has a lot more information on this subject.