Those naughty, naughty ladies and gents!
Even though it’s not really a big deal these days to have relations before marriage, have open relationships, or have different sexuality, you still don’t go around to everyone you know and tell them about all of your hot, sweaty sexual exploits. That’s where the internet comes in. People will give all the details about what they’ve done when they wouldn’t dare let anyone else know. You wouldn’t believe the scenarios that people get into in the real world!
They can’t tell their best friends, but they can tell the Internet

Source: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock
No Accident
I was infatuated with my big brother’s best friend for YEARS, and it went from silly schoolgirl puppy crush to “OMG I need your d**k right now.”
It took me forever to finally sack him (I was in college)… I pretty much orchestrated having him “stranded” at my dorm for a weekend. It was so worth it (JadeChaosTheory)
Surprise Threesome
My boyfriend and I were at a college ball which was in the event room of a hotel. We booked a room, so we didn’t have to drive home after. On a whim, I invited my beautiful, glamazonian friend with us (I honestly didn’t even think about how she’d get home).
At the end of the evening she came upstairs to the room with us and during the night we all woke up and started touching each other. It ended up with the 3 of us having wild sex in the room till the morning and then cuddling. The next day we all got breakfast.
That was a good few years ago and sadly we don’t talk to her anymore but god she was gorgeous and it was my first time with a girl so I will always treasure it. Also, boyfriend was absolutely ecstatic too he got a surprise threesome. (Emerald_vixen)

Source: altafulla/BigStock
Hooking for Food
This past year in college, my meal plan didn’t provide for food on the weekends. I also did not have access to a kitchen, so I had no choice but to go out to eat Friday night, all of Saturday, and all of Sunday. Me, being the cheap person I am, did not want to pay for all of those meals.
That’s when Tinder came in handy. I’d hook up with guys in hopes they would ask me out to dinner at a later date. Very few of them actually did, but I only needed a few guys. Once I figured out who would pay for my food, I’d keep them around by hooking up with them more. They got sex; I got dinner. There were about seven guys that I was hooking up with regularly for this.
For about two months straight, I didn’t have to pay for a single one of my meals. (adsiderum)

Source: Evgeniy Agarkov/Shutterstock
Prisoner of Love
Back in my high school days I wasn’t supposed to be at my girlfriend’s house when her mom wasn’t home. I usually managed to get out before she came home from work but this time she came home early. My girlfriend’s solution? Lock me in her room all evening and night. Feed me periodically and come up to her room to f**k every hour or so. Easily the sexiest day of my life. (sangreiamama)

Source: Dmitri Ma/Shutterstock
A Little Bored
I woke up one day and was bored and had no plans so I booty called (texted) a few guys I knew to see who was up for what. Ended up hooking up with five different guys that day. It was pretty fun actually. (mcgregsola)
Craigslist Hook-Ups
I used to hook up with people using apps and Craigslist. I don’t use them anymore as much because I have built my network. Anyway. I felt like having a three-way so I went ahead and invited 6 people over. The logic was that if I invite 6, 2 will at least show up. Instead 4 showed up. All 4 were hot and I got to have 4 new penises up my a*s.
Later that day, we were chilling by the pool and another one hit me up saying he wants to come if I am still available. He was hotter than anyone else that was over so I said sure and I had sex with him by myself. (just_a_confused_guy)

Source: Lopolo/Shutterstock
Financial Domination
I whore myself to men for money sometimes. I also have a slave. Met this dude online and now I’m his master, in control of both his actions and bank accounts when in the presence of me. I never understood the financial domination thing but hey, we all get off to lots of different stuff. (omfggrenade)

Source: David McNew/Getty Images
Sex Therapy
I had sex with a hot girl who worked as an exotic dancer at a club close to my home. I was too stressed to talk about what was bothering me to anyone at the club so once she finished her shift she drove me to her place where we did it. We had a blast and she told me that sex has therapeutic purposes. (Eric601)
Free Ride
Hailed down a cab driver. I worked late, and it was dead dark when I left. I usually walked to public transit, a very reliable train, and walked home from there, but I was really tired.
So I hailed a cab. The driver was smoking hot. I could not resist suggesting – well, you know – and he was obliging. Very hot night. (calcaneus)
Banging the Babysitter
I started as the babysitter for a couple down the road, started doing threesomes with them, then mutually fell in love with the husband. They got a divorce. We have now been living together and dating for three years, and I’m now the step mom. (xxxjasminebxxx)

Source: Vladimir Gjorgiev/Shutterstock
Free Sex
Paid and slept with a prostitute, later that night said prostitute messaged me to come to f**k her in her hotel room. Then over a period of 2 months she invited me regularly to come f**k. All of this while I was dating another girl. (Cbsubr)
High School Reunion
About 6 years ago, I had a night with an ex-girlfriend from high school, her boyfriend, and a friend of theirs. Two guys, two girls (me being the second girl). We were all about 18-19 and very drunk.
Apparently, this had occurred between the three of them before.
Being the new addition, I got most of the attention and did the least amount of work. (mwfb)
Boobs for Peen
Got severely drunk at a friend’s wedding, at the after-party saw just about every single girl topless at least once, a number of the unsingle ones as well. Fingered a few. All for a viewing of my heavily pierced at the time dick. (tdasnowman)

Source: Guryanov Andrey/Shutterstock
Watch This
My husband and I have an open relationship which I don’t take advantage of much anymore.
One day we were teasing each other, and he told me I couldn’t get laid anymore without him setting it up. I don’t know why it p**sed me off so much, but it did.
It resulted in a week-long bender of me f**king his friends and basically fulfilling any fantasies they wanted to try. The husband knows about some of the friends. The others I kept to myself. (Pinkandtiny)

Source: Petrenko Andriy/Shutterstock
Dem Hands
This one time I held someone’s hand, it was pretty intense. (ImNotNicholas)
Hand-holding before marriage can be seen as perverse in some religions. What’s the most obscene thing you’ve ever done? Let us know in the comments and SHARE this story!
Original by Emily Hingle