Margaret Thatcher on a cold day?
Some guys can last for hours. For me, I can’t stand long sessions, I get all sore and bored and tired.
But on the other hand you have the guys who nut too fast. Two minutes? It happens, but you’d rather it not. We get that maybe you haven’t ejaculated in awhile or are super turned on, but there can be disappointment when this happens for both partners.
I imagine that just about everyone with a penis has been in a situation where they try as hard as they can not to cum too quickly, but got ahead of themselves and couldn’t help it.
So what to do? They think about non-sexual things to keep their minds off the intense pleasure. These Redditors all have their own methods to distract themselves.
Change it Up
If cumming too quickly is seriously a concern, I typically stop and embrace a bit more foreplay or switch positions.

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Milk and Eggs
I plan what I’m going to do the following day. That works AND it’s rather practical. My SO will occasionally get a bit confused if post coital I’ll ask them if they want to go to the store tomorrow.
It’s Math
I’m surprised no one here has mentioned the Fibonacci sequence yet.
It’s never ending and gets more difficult the longer you go on. Seems prefect aside from my raging boner when someone says one one two three five.
I actually do something similar to this that drives girls crazy. I don’t know if it has a name for it or not, but I only put the tip in 9 times in a row, then one full pump. Then 8 times tip, then 2 pumps. So on and so forth. It makes them beg for it. I’ll try this sequence mentioned next time, though.
Ladies First
I don’t see the point in holding back, if I can’t do it for her during, I’ll help afterwards… but I like to do this thing called “foreplay” and get her to orgasm before I start pounding her cervix only7inches

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Ladies Last
I don’t worry about it? Shoot, the worst case scenario is she gets to feel like hot stuff because I couldn’t hold back and now I get to eat her out.
A Sly Break
“F***. About to finish. Time to sneakily pull out and take a 15 sec break while I kiss her, call her beautiful and tell her what position I want to do next!”
Quiz Time
I usually give myself trivia, like name the 50 state capitols or Name all 9 radiohead albums. I also do this when I’m in pain, or when I’m tired.
Thinking about debt and all the money I owe seems to stress me out enough to override an impending orgasm.
If it works, it works…
Poop. I think of poop. May not work for some.

Source: Shutterstock
Reel it In
I find that the more relaxed and comfortable I am, the longer I last. The more I stress about how long I can go, the less control I seem to have. Maybe just try to chill out before you hop in the sack?
Squats not Squirts
Not really a thought, but I flex the muscles in my legs. You need blood to get an erection, and if you’re using large muscles, blood is requested elsewhere. So I flex my leg muscles. Or if I want to last so long that I actually have trouble finishing, I stand up.
Pro Tip: This works so well, it can usually reduce the painful 4+ hour erection you hear warnings about from medication like Viagra. Need that bad boy to go down? Do some squats. Something to remember when I get a bit older and need pharmaceutical help.
“Dont nut dont nut dont nut dont nut. F***…. I’m sorry”.
For some reason I always think about someone cleaving my dick into slice.
Design Dork
I always think of the most efficient way to design a fridge, and where my food would go in that fridge. Very satisfying.

Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock
That’s what she said
I’m a woman.
I’d much rather my guy comes quick and loses himself in the lust of the moment than coldly f***s me for an hour while his mind is elsewhere.
It’s so obvious.
Plus guys coming quick kinda makes me feel like a goddess. Like I’m so attractive he can’t hold back.
As long as it’s not literally three pumps, just let loose and enjoy the moment with me, dude.
Original by: Chewy Boese