Having your own personal pool creating a fun and relaxing backyard environment that can be the main hangout spot for your friends and family. You can be the spot where people come for cookouts, host birthday parties, or just be the “hip spot” for your friends to come to on a weekend night.
However, having a pool and keeping it at its highest quality possible can be a challenge if you don’t possess the right tools. Keep reading to find the best pool supplies that you need to make sure are a part of your backyard inventory!
Use Shock To Kill Bacteria In The Pool
This is a crucial piece to have for your pool because it’ll ensure that nothing begins to get gross or grow in the pool waters. Even though the chlorine that you place into your pool on a daily basis will kill the majority of the bacteria in your pool, you’ll want to consider using shock at least once a week if not every two weeks.
It will help kill off mild cases of algae and will also clear up the appearance of the water if it has started to look cloudy.
How often you use shock should depend on how often people use your pool. The most often that people use your pool, the larger chance there is for bacteria to be growing in it. You’ll also want to use shock if your area has had a big rain storm. This could wash certain things into your pool along with bacteria or algae.

img source: unsplash.com
Get Test Strips To Figure Out Exactly What Chemicals You Need
You don’t want the chemicals that you’re adding to your pool to be a guessing game. That’s not great for the pool, the water, or your guests. Instead, a great pool supply that you’ll want to have on hand is test strips.
These are meant to determine what chemicals you need to add to your pool water to keep it clean. You’ll probably want to test your pool waters at least once a week. Again, if there’s a huge storm that comes through your area, you’ll want to test the waters immediately after that.
To use the strips, you’ll simply dump them into the water for a few seconds. You’ll then wait for a minute and the strip will change colors. After that happens, compare the strip’s colors to the colors that are on the chart. Based on the pH levels of the pool, you’ll get a certain color on the test strip. As you compare it to the chart, it’ll tell you what chemicals should be added.
Have A Pool Cover To Block Unwanted Items
You’ll also want to have a pool cover as one of your pool supplies because it’ll help to block unwanted debris from making its way into your space.

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There are three main kinds of pool covers:
- Winter – helps to prevent parts of your pool from freezing and warping. This blocks debris and helps to prevent any damages to the pool.
- Leaf – these typically go on top of your winter cover. You remove this when you have a lot of leaves and other pieces of debris on the cover. This makes it easier to clean the pool throughout the winter time and makes it simpler for you to quickly start using your pool in the spring. This isn’t necessary, but it’s highly recommended, especially if you live in a wooded area.
- Solar – you also might want to get a “solar blanket.” You order this to fit the exact dimensions of your pool and it rests on the top of the water when you’re not using your pool. The solar blanket helps to raise the temperature of your pool, so it’s great to have in late spring when it’s not so warm outside every day yet.
A Skimmer To Clean Up The Pool
This is one of the best pool supplies you can have on hand for cleaning up your pool. The skimmer is a long metal pole with a net at the end of it. It allows you to reach out into the pool and grab single pieces of debris. These can include leaves, toys, and even dead bugs or animals. This allows you to easily clean your pool without you needing to get into it. You can purchase pool skimmers and other quality supplies for your swimming pool here.
An Automatic Pool Vacuum
Pool vacuums are an absolute must if your pool is located near plants or overhanging trees. Oftentimes, debris can drift into your pool and settle at the bottom of it. A pool vacuum is needed to suck out the plant and leaf material so that the filter can clean it out. It can be a hassle to constantly do this by hand every couple of days, so an automatic pool vacuum can really come in handy.

img source: unsplash.com
Automatic pool vacuums are robots that can pool dirty water into its bottom all by itself. Many of these of these vacuums have their own internal filtration system, which separates the dirt and grime from clear pool water. The robot then pumps the clean pool water back though your pool filter and into your pool! This is all done automatically because the robot has its own engine and wheels and can propel itself around your pool all by itself! You won’t have to deal with heavy manual vacuums anymore, and you can spend more time actually enjoying your pool instead of cleaning it!
Hopefully these pool supplies help you to have a fantastic pool experience and make your backyard the envy of all your friends. No one likes to swim in a dirty pool, and these products will guarantee that your swimming pool stays sparkling clean! The key tips for owning a pool is to clean it often and make sure no injuries occur!