Thick and healthy hair is a sign of a healthy body and an overall great appearance. However, many people around the world suffer from different hair problems including hereditary and hormonal factors.
All of these people are actively searching for the winning formula that will give them the desired hair back. But research has shown that using a chemical or a telemarketing hair growth product will not give you your hair back. What will, however, our whole lifestyle changes.
While hair products have been found to work, in some cases, many of them do the opposite. While there are helpful products, there are just as many harmful products. Furthermore, dying is very destructive for our hair, and many women out there dye their hair almost all of their lives.
So because of that, we’re going to talk about the natural ways that stimulate natural hair growth.
1. Zinc and Iron
Science has shown that zinc and iron deficiency is directly related to obstructed hair growth. Firstly, what you need to do is balance the levels of zinc and iron by eating lots of vegetables, antioxidants, and lean meats. If you modify your diet with zinc and iron foods, you will bring balance to hair growth.
2. Comb Your Hair
The re-growth of hair is very much possible by combing. Combing your hair at least three times a day can directly impact its growth. Comb your hair in a way that you start from the roots and continue up to the tips. By combing you are actually massaging your scalp and improving blood circulation. Combing is directly related to rejuvenating hair follicles.
3. Use Natural Products
A lot of companies and brands sell us poison for our hair. Instead of using products with unnatural ingredients, use that of the opposite. There are plenty of products out there that are made from natural ingredients that stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. These products directly impact hair roots and help circulate blood flow. If you’re interested in the best natural hair products, click here.
4. Keep Your Scalp and Hair Clean
If you want good hair, you need to take good care. It goes without saying that thick and lustrous hair can be achieved only if we take good care of it and use the necessary tools for it. Use a mild shampoo every time you take a bath. Furthermore, oiling the scalp and hair also works to a great effect, but do make sure you rinse the oil off properly afterward.
5. Lay Off The Heat
Hair strengtheners don’t do that good to your hair as you think it does. This tool straightens the hair by applying heat, and heat is bad for our hair. Furthermore, if you spend too much time on one area of your hair while using the tool, it can completely cut off your hair from the rest of it. To avoid such accidents, always make sure to use some kind of moisturizer on the hair. If you don’t need to use this tool, then don’t. But if you do need to use it, make sure to use a gel or moisturizer first.