Don’t you just love the outdoors? The feel of the wind on your face, the mist all around, and the smell of nature—these are things we cannot enjoy when we are cooped up indoors the entire day. But if you don’t have the money to get out or the energy to do something more adventurous, you can continue to enjoy the outdoors right at your home. What is the patio for? Well, it’s the great outdoors right at your doorstep. And you only need four things to enjoy an unforgettable day or night at the patio: an acceptable temperature, television protected by Garnetics, the people you love, and the food you enjoy the most.
Get yourself a LED/LCD/Plasma TV with TV cover for your entertainment
Fresh air is always good. That is why watching television outside is advantageous to a person’s health. Just make sure you have the proper equipment to Netflix and chill amid the fresh air of your patio. Know that an indoor television is not the appropriate small screen for outdoors. There are technical adjustments made in outdoor televisions to make them appropriate for outdoor use. If a regular plasma television can be used either inside the house or outside the house, you could have just generally called it television.

But because there is such a thing as television for outdoor use, manufacturers have also called them outdoor television. They are built to be more heavy-duty than regular televisions and are made to be more flexible when it comes to temperature. But this doesn’t mean that because they could withstand some temperature changes, they shouldn’t be protected anymore. Outdoor TV covers are still needed. Of course, wall mounts will be an advantage, too. There are patio TV covers of different sizes: from 55 inches to anything smaller or bigger. So, it shouldn’t be a problem whatever television you have for your patio.
So why do we have to emphasize the importance of outside TV covers? Because if we don’t protect our TV screens, there will be not much entertainment to be had. So make sure that your flat screen will have the best protection it can have. The best one, of course, is the kind that provides weatherproof protection. Since your television: be it a LED, LCD, the plasma will be exposed to the different weather conditions, it should have a cover.
But know that patio TV covers are different from just regular television covers—they are manufactured differently because the creators know that these products will be battling with different kinds of elements. Indoor television usually only needs to be protected from dust—okay, sometimes it also needs to be covered to prevent scratches. But your outdoor flat-screen TV will need a more heavy-duty cover, one that could withstand extreme heat from possible exposure to direct sunlight, and possible shower from a heavy downpour. Of course, it is guaranteed that there will be a roof over your outdoor TV, but still, since it is in an open area, heat and rain splashes could reach the boob tube.

Source: theoutdoortvenclosure
Another great thing about having an outdoor television is that you can be as loud as you want. Be it the Super Bowl, World Series or the NBA Finals, you want to be as loud as you can. Watching these events inside the house could be an auditory risk since the noise will be contained. But when you have your outdoor set, you can cheer or boo as loud as you can with your peers. Just make sure your TV set is protected with a TV cover when not in use.
During winter, your television will also need protection from the extreme cold and possible stray snowflakes that could reach your equipment. Find patio TV covers that are made of materials that could withstand any kind of weather, especially one that could protect it from extreme cold when you are in a state that experiences winter. And speaking of winter, we move on to the next patio essential…
Provide a better environment for your loved ones
A heater, of course, will make it all better during the winter season. So aside from protecting your television with outside TV covers, you also need to protect you and your companions from the cold with infrared patio heaters. The chilly weather could quickly dampen your spirit, but with the heater, you can lounge outside the entire day and just watch your favorite show. Mind you, it’s not just during winter where the wind could be chilly, some summer nights could be cold, too. The same could be said during spring and autumn. An infrared patio heater is one of the best heating inventions there is because it is not as bulky as other heaters. They are also perfect for the patio. Unlike outdoor television sets that need outside TV covers, you don’t need such protection for the heater.

No merriment is complete without great conversation and cuisine
Yes, you can lounge in your patio by yourself and enjoy a great television show with a glass of wine and some popcorn ala Olivia Pope. But with great company, you might as well be lounging in your living room. The outdoors is better with amazing people to bond with. And your television is not going to be the only source of entertainment when you are outdoors: you can play loud games like Pictionary or even play tag. You can do karaoke, too, or maybe even a dance-off. The outdoor fun ideas are limitless. And when you have spent all your energy in the games and merriment, stuff yourself with satisfying grubs.
Perhaps a grill would be another addition in the patio. This way, you can enjoy some burgers, hotdogs and other grilled meaty goodness while socializing with family and friends in your patio. There is no need for a pool to have a great party—a patio with all the right elements will do the trick. Your patio is your very own entertainment wonderland.