As we can all witness, it is a factual reality that the Gaming Industry is becoming more and more diffused and socially evaluated, now that the Internet has a voice and a great connection occurring among people all across the world.
To say “All across the world” is like claiming such a great thing, isn’t it? For as great it is, it is undeniable that Creative minds have never been creating a flat reality, but something even beyond the same concept of reality.
Humans who were born not more than two or three decades ago still are upset at all the progress that has been made in the matter of few years, as if technology were and still is an aspect which does not belong our lives for how “strangely” deep it has become in filling up our lives and make them a little more lively.
Yesterday we had been spending our empty time dreaming of a connection that would allow us to be in touch with everyone from everywhere, and today those bored daydreams may have translated into reality.
Nowadays we have the possibility to travel far through radio waves, while all we do is stay in bed. We have the capability to meet others in whole other worlds and under other robes, to fight wars that never existed if not suspended in the air in the shape of radio signals, even through our smartphone But the truth is that we, Gamers, we always long for more, and what we long for may not always be available. We never tend to please, and always try to find that way that will take us closer to a new sensation of being in something so captivating.
Sometimes, yet, many never even try the taste of a Game, or the fun that can be given. Unfortunately, many passionate players do find themselves in the shade of low budget or any limitation that won’t let simple people have that little time in a day.
We know that in order to get a good performance out of a game, our Computer needs the right hardware, or the experience one expected could be ruined.
And we also believe that every boy or girl deserves the possibility to play what he/she likes. For those of you who are in economic difficulties, there’s a way out: You can assemble your Gaming Device with your own work and that way save a lot of money in the future upcoming updates.
Why should I Assemble PC?
The answer to your doubts is that assembling your own device is a top-notch solution for a cost-efficient product. It certainly takes time and hard-work, but at this point here we come to help you with your choices and operations You know for a fact that whether the Computer has not been set up in the proper way, your gaming experience will be affected.
What if I told you that there actually is a Program that can solve most of your problems? We are definitely talking about our PC Konfigurator.
PC Konfigurator is what you’re searching for
PC konfigurator is a program with a specific purpose, giving you many benefits: To help you assemble and set up your Computer, and communicate to you the only components you will be needing, that is a very wise decision when it comes to the building of a Gaming device.
Through the PC konfigurator you’re getting great quality and high-performance, and saving yourself from hours and hours of attempts. The operations will be guided, as you can see where every hardware finds its place within the Case, and the chance of mistakes drastically drops.
The process of assembling turns out to be way easier and fluid in the case you chose to make use of the PC Configurator simulator. Through this, you obtain a very clear view of how to set up a model Gaming PC, never forgetting your budget when it comes to choosing each component.
How to work with a PC Konfigurator?
In a PC Konfigurator you have many sections dedicated to each and any hardware, and you need to fill them up to find what you’re seeking for. In the CPU section, you’ll want to specify what kind of Intel or AMD Processor you want, or which socket you need. Pressing the search button and applying the filters you see as most proper, you’ll get straight to the Result.
You will be given incredible help in making your choice because you can see all the prices and information you need and lots of options you really need to buy to visit this website.
Work ahead: Which are the different components you’ll need?
Elements for the assembly, a simple list.
- The Case,
- CPU with cooling.
- Motherboard.
- Storage, SSDs or HDDs
- Sound Cards
- WiFi connection
- OS
- Keyboard, Mouse and Monitor
- Antivirus shield
Let’s delve into it
The Case: Of course you need a space where all your hardware will be sheltered and protected by dust. It is gonna contain all the components you’ll be operating on.
The bigger it is, easier will be the operations, especially when it comes to the cabling and a better air circulation.
Most cases already come furnished with a cooling system, so search for this kind of Case if you will to save yourself some additional work.
Aesthetic is important if you wish for a fascinating shape or a color you like. An important aspect of a Case is the cooling, as it allows every component to work efficiently but without overheating. And most vital, is the fact you need to think how much it has to contain, and never forget about a Computer Form Factor.
For the Case you can go as cheap as you want, since it is not a vital component of your Computer.

Up above, a sample of Case.
The Central Processor Unit: The CPU is one of the most important hardware being present in a Computer, particularly the area where the system thinks and realizes every logical operation: This processor is indeed called the brain of a Computer.
For this CPU, there are countless choices at any price online, but you can do a faster research through our PC Configurator.
The major ones are Intel and AMD, both are great and give high performance.If the kind of games you are purchasing can support a “Multi-Core” Unit, then you can also seek for a Dual-core CPU, which can execute operation way more quickly than a standard CPU.
A good CPU meant for gaming ought to have an high Operating Frequency, from 3Ghz’s moving on, so the time of reaction is faster. The CPU itself will help you choose the motherboard, as it has to be supported by it. A cooler is also very vital in a CPU, as heat can do damages and influence your Gaming.
On PC Konfigurator you have plenty of choices among cooling fans and heatsticks. You may even choose some Thermal Paste.

Up above you can see the form of a CPU & CPU’s Fan
Here you have a sample of the CPU’s fan which will be dissipating the Central Unit’s heat when it is being used. A CPU fan is a great way to invest your money, as it helps the most important part of your Gaming device.
A motherboard : The motherboard is the area containing and allowing every component to connect and communicate data with each other through very small electronic connectors known as BUSes. You choose your motherboard based on whether it supports your CPU in the sockets. Prices in the motherboards’ market can change from low to high. Even modern motherboards are built with fan or heatsticks, and even connectors for a mouse or a keyboard.
Memory is important in the motherboard, along with Expansions Slots. Just remind yourself that every component has to be attached to it.

Up here you have an instance for motherboard
Random Access Memory (R.A.M): The Random Access Memory is a volatile and very quick memory, and it will contain our Gaming Computer short-term memory. Thanks to the RAM, data which are oftentimes being used will always be easily accessible. The more capable is the RAM, the more your games are going to be fluid, as the RAM helps the game’s response.
A good RAM capacity is around 16GB, but when it comes to Gaming higher it is and better the whole experience. You can opt for a 32 GB one.
Don’t save for your RAM, since here we have another great hardware.
The RAM as well needs to be supported by the motherboard, as it can’t work faster than the one supported by your PC. In order for you to get the best performance, we suggest you to purchase a Volatile Memory with a maximum operating frequency of 5000 MHz, but not behind a 2133MHz frequency.
Below, you can see a RAM:
Graphical Processor Unit : Also known as GPU, or Video Card. Within the motherboard, its purpose it’s to put graphics on your screen, or displaying images on it, which is an operation requiring an extreme performance, if we think that every pixel in any frame has a specific input coming from the Video Card.
The biggest names in this market are Nvidia and them AMD, of which we are going to see an example:
A GPU needs to have a high Core Clock Speed, measured in MHz, which determines the speed at which the Video Card can perform. For acquiring a good GPU, focus on the Memory Size and the interfaces. The Memory Size is the area or storage being exploited by the graphic card processor. If the resolution we expect has to be high, then more storage is required.
Interfaces are none other than the means used by the GPU to connect to the motherboard. The graphic card is always pricey, but is certainly a good expensive investment.
To stay in your budget, question yourself: What kind of games will I be playing? May I buy that GPU without then neglecting other important hardware?
SSD or Hard Disk Drives: Storage is really vital in a Gaming Computer, as it means you can have many games and many data at the same time. To store you data into the computer, you’ll need either a Solid State Drive or a Hard Disk Drive. M.2 SSDs are also good if you look for a PCIe connection.
However, Solid State Drivers will definitely give you the performance you’re searching for, as they have no disk turning unlikely HDDs so that the writing and reading of data is much quicker, and possible errors are very rare.
You can get started with just 250GB, and then get to one TB. It all depends on how much storage you assume that you’ll need, and among the countless choices out there, one will surely fit you.
Here you get the idea:
Power Supply Unit: Power Supply Unit is a key component to the efficient functioning of your Computer, since without it, nothing could run if not provided with power. What this unit does is convert alternative power directly into current electricity, then supply this power to every component of your computer.
Given that you’re assembling a Gaming PC, much power will be used by its performance, so the PSU ought to give a power outage going from 500W up to 1000W
Important features to pay attention to in a PSU are the Pc Main power connector within it, the connector directed into the motherboard, then ATX12V 4-pin power connector, for specific elements in the motherboard
To help you choose the many options, take a look at the Power Supplies Efficiency Level Certifications, given in percentages that measure how much of the Alternating Current Power is getting turned into Direct Current Power.
Then, ask yourself this question: What is the amount of power that is enough for my goals? You anyway should not save on the PSU since it will be powering every hardware in your system.
WiFi connection: Yes, to play long games, fights, races, or especially online games a powerful WiFi connection is requested. It is accessible by mostly everyone. As your Gaming Device won’t move around the house, you can also opt for Ethernet, which is more reliable when it comes to online Gaming.
Sound cards: They are none other than internal expansion cards which can upgrade your PC gaming experience through rendering input and output of audio signals to and coming from a Computer. Sometimes they can be pretty pricey, so you can add them in the future if you will. Here’s what they look like:
You may want to know that there exist three types of sound cards: those that are built on the motherboard, and then even internal and external cards.
OS: which stands for Operating System, and the most advisable OS in a Gaming PC is Windows 10. The OS is vitally needed in a computer to make everything usable and accessible, and it is aimed at such purpose, once installed into your computer through a boot program. After loading, its task is to manage all the programs each and every program in the PC.
We have different ways to load the OS in, through a Win10 DVD if the Computer as a DVD case, otherwise we might want to make use of the online stores providing you with cheap Volume Licenses keys.But anyway optical devices are getting old, and now the OS can also be downloaded either from the Internet or through a proper USB Stick, with at least 8GB of capacity, containing Win10.
Monitor, Keyboard, and catch the Mouse: These are all decisive peripherals which in the end will allow you to physically use your Computer. Invest a bigger amount on the monitor’s quality: it is the first thing you interact with, even because a good GPU would be wasted if used along with an ordinary screen, and it will also help you reach the aspired quality.
Get creative with the keyboard and the mouse, follow your personal aesthetic tastes!
Virus Protection: We all understand that a working, effective gaming PC must have a protection or veil defending it and the user’s data from online hazards.If the PC gets infected, in most of the cases all processes will become extremely slow, or it will even take entire minutes to open programs. You surely want to avoid this, so know that there are plenty of good, free and reliable Antivirus programs out there, such as AVG and AVAST.
See which one fits more your requests, and you’re totally good to go.
Now: Proceeding with the Assembly, Step By Step
You have bought all the items through our PC Configurator, now, you have to really build with your hands. It is the time for you to get into the work, have fun, and even learn.
Don’t be harsh on yourself, everyone- either beginner or not- can make mistakes during these steps.
Step 1) Prepare your motherboard : Your motherboard has to be inserted into the case. It is better to work this operation on a flat surface, paying attention to not scratch this hardware.Assemble it outside the case, so that everything turns out to be easier, Consult the manual, so that you don’t make mistakes. Some force has to be applied with certain elements to have them plugged in, others will just need to be placed into the corresponding spots.
Step 2) Install the CPU: The central unit finds its place into the CPU socket on the motherboard. Be soft, you don’t want to cause any damage or ending up with a broken processor with ruined pins.
Just remove the shield cover from the motherboard, put the CPU into it by lining it up and helping yourself through its indents, then softly plug it in once you’ve found the proper movement.
Close the tray and assure that everything is locked with the right strength.
Step 3) Insert your SSD: At this point you want to plug in the M.2 Solid State Driver. These kinds of connections make up an easy step, but keep an eye on the manual because there’s an order regarding which SSDs to use first. Once you found the order, a certain strength is needed for the inserting, but don’t use too much.
Once the Solid State Drives are dwelling in their slots, the opposite end will have to point upward, forming a diagonal angle.
Now grab the corresponding screw ( it came with the motherboard), begin pushing down each M.2 SSD, lastly screw them into the right spots.
Step 4) Insert the Ram into the Case: The RAM has to be installed, paying much attention to the manual. There’s an order in which set the RAM is set in place. If you bought four slots and two sticks of this memory, space apart the two sticks both in the first and third slot, or second and fourth, this way the performance will be effectively better.
Then, installing the RAM into its socket will need a little strength that must be applied gradually. Did you hear the click? This means the RAM is properly placed in its slot.
Step 5) Get the case ready for hosting the motherboard: For the case to be properly prepared, the manual will ask you to screw in the standoffs screws over which you’ll set the motherboard before placing it within. These standoffs will follow the motherboard inside, and after you’ve found them, start screwing them into the case. In total, there could be around twelve holes for the standoffs to match. After the operation is over, go on with inserting the motherboard into the case.
Step 6) Install the motherboard into the Case: The standoffs will make the placing of the motherboard easier. Further, there should be a space dedicated to the motherboard Input/Output ports for it to fit into, which shape resembles the one of a rectangle, and the motherboard has to be attached cosily into this area in order for you to access all the ports later on. Once everything is set, you want to begin crewing the motherboard onto the standoffs.
Step 7) Link the PSU to the System: This step will turn out to be easy as well. The Power Unit needs a fan to cool down and circulate the air. Depending on where the Computer is going to be located, the fan will be pointed in a given way. If the PC is lying on a hard floor, or a desk, the fan will be directed downward.
Whether the computer is located on a carpeted floor the fan has to be pointed upward to receive air.
After the PSU has been oriented and you have screwed the mounting clamp, it will easily slide into the case, given the room you have.
Step 8) Connect any HDD/SSDs: Now we have to connect any SSDs. There should be a meant bay area inside the case, aimed at hosting these drives.To find it, search for two metal buckles, both on the left and on the right side of this space. Once you find them, squeeze them and take the bay out. Here you can screw your drive and hold it secured inside the Case. After you’ve pushed back the bay into its room, plug a M.2 Driver and a PSU cable into the SSD.
Install it after you have located the right slot on the motherboard and plugged the other side of the right cable into it.
The other PSU’s side will have to be plugged into the power supply.
Step 9) Attach your case and power cables into the motherboard: In this step you will want to begin the plugging of cables into the motherboard. Be patient, and follow the given manual.
Step 10) Install your CPU’s cooling system: You’ll need to open an access to the backside of the motherboard tray, in order to screw part of it to the back tray. This operation will allow you to reach the right spots to direct the cooler’s pump onto the CPU along with the motherboard.
Once the cooler has been set in place, you might need to apply some thermal paste on it. Also make sure that all the cables related to the cooling system are attached to the right points.
Step 11) Proceed with cable management: You may want to execute some cable management to keep the case tidy and clean, so that you’ll have enough room for air circulation.
Step 12) Install your GPU: The Video Card is easy to place.
At first, go to the back of your case, remove the given number of expansion slot inserts. Then align the GPU along with the PCIe Express slot, and after that you push down until you hear the click made by the plastic notch flipping up. Once again, use the right amount of strength when pushing it. Done this, plug your Graphic Card into the PSU to deliver it power.
Step 13) Load the OS: Last step to get the perfect result. Head over to Microsoft website, and at this point you’ll need another PC and a quick USB drive with a capacity of at least 8GB to download the OS. Now you just need to abide by the steps provided. After the download, you’re able to transfer into your Gaming Computer before it boots up.
Our final words:
You now have your custom Gaming PC, easily built and containing the right hardware thanks to our PC Configurator.
You may have also learned that the best quality can even come from non-ordinary choices, as not enough people know the joy in assembling such devices on their own. The benefits are real, since you won’t be buying a new Computer the next year: most of the time in updates there are only a few changes, so how clever is it to be able to just buy the ones you need without throwing away your still new PC?
The actual answer is “Very clever”.
And to the reader lurking here, are you going to act cleverly when it comes to your fun? In closing, it may have been hard to link each wire to one another, but you gained your benefits, and in the end you’re rewarded with the biggest gift for 2024, made with the only use of your hands and brain.