When you first start getting into sexual fantasies and initial experiences with sex, it is usually done by yourself. While doing it by yourself, and especially in front of a TV, smartphone, or computer might seem pointless, it’s not like that. There’s a deeper meaning to what we watch while we masturbate. Porn is all over the place, and no one from us is immune. Many experts would argue that there is a psychological background to watching porn.
A Taboo or Something More?
We have passed the point where porn is considered a taboo. It is consumed in so large quantities that it’s hard to call it that anymore. But, if you look at the science behind it, it remains a mystery. Human fantasies are a realm that was only explored in the domain of Sci-Fi movies. If you delve even a little deeper into the world of pornography, you are aware that there are thousands of genres, styles, and movies with plots and various sexual orientations.
All of this begs a simple question, why do we seek specifics in porn? All of us watch porn, and yet, none of us watches the same videos. We have favorite genres and kinks. Some we say publicly while others remain a secret. On the surface, the goal is a simple physical pleasure while watching your favorite pron. Beneath our skins and brain cells a lot happens. Being focused only on the superficial issues when it comes to pornography is wrong on so many levels. It holds a deeper meaning and every one of us needs to think about it in that way.
A Life Experience or Something Else?

Source: nypost.com
When you speak to sex experts about the issue of pornography you almost always get the same answers. It is all about the experience. It can be the one you already had, or it could be the one that you’re seeking to have. The porn we watch at Porndoe or some other outlet is all about us. There is no one else there when we watch. Yes, some people watch it together. But, that’s still a search for a new experience, and the equation there is simple. Why are we attracted to the things we are? The answer lies deep within each of us. The porn we watch is just an inner projection of our desires.
Watching porn is a combination between our mental, emotional, and physical focus. When we watch porn we allow ourselves to subconsciously let some of our deepest emotions, desires, and hidden lust come out on top. It is a specific situation where we look for those situations in the video that we have eroticized during our lifetime.
The Process Behind It
We start erotizing things early in our lives. It continues through our adulthood and continues even to the late years of our lives. It can be both a negative and positive experience. While you might not think about it for too long or forget it your brain records the experience and it becomes something you’re not even aware of. This is how you get to having different fetishes tied to pornography. Think about it, you’re probably not aware of how you developed a certain porn fetish. It didn’t come as a consequence of watching porn. It came as a part of your previous experiences.
What Triggers It?

Source: menshealth.com
It can be almost anything. Watching porn comes in different forms and shapes. Your fetishes do not have to come from positive experiences only. They can be bred from negative ones too. Many teens have been shamed for masturbating too often or it was too evident that they were doing it. Later on, this shame can easily turn into something that turns them on. Our brain functions on a strange level when it comes to sexuality and pornography tied into one knot. The same can be said of spanking. Being spanked by a parent or a grandparent as a kid could potentially lead to finding pleasure while being spanked once you develop your sexual habits.
Where do Our Porn Preferences Stem From?
This is not an easy question to answer. But, one of the most common answers all of us will encounter is the simplest one – from the past. But, there’s a catch. Not all of it will come from our past experiences. While it would be nice to pile it all on the past, pornography is not all that straightforward. For one, the idea of having something you shouldn’t or can’t have is also a huge turn-on for many people. Dreaming of unavailable things is quite common for many people.
Let’s Talk Dopamine
Did you know that our dopamine levels are higher while we’re expecting pleasure than they are while we’re receiving it? That’s a strange notion, isn’t it? We have more pleasure when we desire something that we get when we receive it. This is why porn comes in as a good lift-off for many people. It is all about desiring what you can’t have.
The Most Popular Porn Genres

Source: maxim.com
All of the talk from above leads us to one point. Which porn genre is the most popular out there? It is easy to guess. The desire for something you can’t have but that seems accessible at the same time makes MILF porn the most popular one out there. This desire comes from the fact that everyone wants an experienced lover in their lives for the sole purpose of having a better time than you could have with your high school sweetheart. It is all about having more and more unique emotions and sensations involved in one simple act of watching porn and masturbating. Watching porn is not only a matter of physical satisfaction, it is an emotional journey too.
Bottom Line
Our emotions, desires, and physical needs are all the consequence of human evolution. It is a combination of our past, present and future. It is a desire that was formed in the past, and that grew to the present, and it also has its future reflection. It is nothing complicated, but the porn we watch says a lot about who we are, who we were, and who we aspire to be, both sexually, emotionally, and physically.