We all know how the butt-crack hair can be annoying. Although some man is choosing not to remove them, others decide to get rid of the irritating hairs.
Knowing all of that, we decided to make a list of the 6 easiest ways to remove the hair from the butt-crack. Also, we tried to explain all the steps so that the process will be easier for you.
Even though shaving is the most common way to remove the hair from the butt-crack, there are also some alternative methods.
Before we proceed to the methods, we should explain why the crack hair is important because a lot of people are probably wondering why we even have hair on such awkward pars of the body.
First of all, hair is protecting our body from all kinds of bacterias. Also, it helps to disperse the smell. Besides, it protects us from numerous sexually transmitted diseases.
Though we are aware of how the butt hair can help us, we all know how irritating it can be.
Below you can find 6 best ways to remove the annoying butt-crack hair:
1. Trimming

Source: hairstylecamp
Trimming is one of the easiest ways to remove hair from the butt-crack, and it’s hard to mess this up.
First of all, you should choose between the regular clippers, which are designed for trimming hair on the head and a special set of body trimmers. The only advantage that you will get with body hair trimmers is more accessible to work around the hard-to-reach parts of your body.
Follow these two steps, and you will do the trimming perfectly:
- Before you start, you should slap a guard on the device because if you trim your hair with non-guard mode, it can be really painful.
- When your butt-crack hair is smaller, you can trim them with the guard off, and the hair will be trimmed very close to the skin.
Although the trimming is not tricky, you will have to spread your cheeks, which will need some acrobatics in your restroom.
- It’s easy, and It’s doesn’t require a lot of time
- This method is not completely removing the hair, as it only trims hair to a small size. That means your butt-crack hair will grow faster, and the skin will not be totally smooth.
2. Waxing

Source: European Spa
The second method is to wax the hair off. Of course, you can go to the waxing clinic, but if you decide to do this at home, you should do the following:
- Take a shower, clean the crack, and dry it off.
- Put the wax to your butt-crack
- Apply the strip to the wax
- Wait a few moments, so the wax and strip connect
- Rapidly remove the adhesive strip
- Repeat the process until all the hair is removed
- Your skin will be soft after waxing, and you will be hairless for a long time, as the hair will be removed from the root.
- It is really complicated to do the waxing on your own, so some of the hair will not come out.
3. Sugaring

Source: chassisformen
Sugaring is almost the same process as waxing, but instead of wax, you should use the mixture of water, lemon juice, sugar, and binding agent. However, we will not list the steps, as the method will not be an option for most of the men.
- It’s less painful than waxing
- The method is perfect for fine hair like the one on the women’s legs, but it will not be useful for thick hair on mens’ butt-cheek.
4. Shaving

Source: theidleman
This option will probably be the choice for most of the men who want to remove the butt-crack hair. Follow the process:
- Take a shower and clean the butt-crack
- Option A: Shave your butt in a squat position
- Option B: Step out of the bathtub, dry off, squat over the bathroom, and shave with a lubricant shaving cream.
- If you choose the second option, you should bring a small mirror so you can see which part you are shaving.
However, we think that the first option is better because the water will be the best lubricant for your skin so you will not get the irritation. Also, the water will wash off the hair from the razor so the process will be faster.
After the process, you can apply some talc or lotion to get your skin smooth.
- Shaving is painless
- The process is difficult because you have to be in a squatting position for 10 minutes, which is not easy.
5. Electrolysis

Source: forshaving
If you still didn’t find the best way to remove the hair, there is also an option of electrolysis. However, this is the most painful method, and you will also need much more money than with other solutions.
As you can assume from the name of the method, this option includes frying the hair off. The good thing is that you can choose whether you want to remove your hair permanently or just to thin your hair.
The process is painful, and it is an extreme step, so you should think twice before you proceed to it.
- The butt-crack hair can be removed permanently
- The method includes a lot of pain, so it’s everything but comfortable. Also, you should prepare a lot of cash if you want to remove all the butt-crack hair. Besides, prepare yourself for a lot of visits to the doctor’s office, which will include a lot of staring at your crack.
6. Depilatories

Source: dollarshaveclub
You probably heard about depilatories, which are creams that you can rub on a butt-crack hair. Thanks to the chemical reaction, your hair is supposed to fall out.
However, the process is easier when it comes to the thin hair, but it will not work that great on the thick butt-crack hair. Also, it’s risky to use the chemicals around your genitals. It’s probably best to avoid this method.
- It’s cheaper than electrolysis
- The creams are not working as advertised, and it’s not safe to apply them around your genitals.
Now when you are aware of the ways to get rid of the butt-crack hair, you can decide which is the best way for you.
We can assume that most of the men will choose either shaving, trimming, or waxing. Whatever method you choose, we really hope that our list helped you to make the right decision.