Ireland is a country that gave us some amazing things, from the amazing Guinness to the jolly music to incredibly kind people, and landscapes that you will remember for the rest of your life. If you are planning on going on a road trip across this amazing country, there are some things that you will want to know.
This article might help you understand what you will need to consider when planning on driving in Ireland. In the text below, you will learn why it is crucial for you to have car insurance while there, how to rent a car in Ireland, as well as some tips for driving there. Let’s take a closer look at the tips:
All You Need to Know About Renting a Car

Source: ezhire
If you want to drive while in Ireland, your planning process will likely begin by searching for a car rental company. This is quite easy since you will only have to google it to get a wide range of company options. Of course, each website will provide you with car options such as if you want it to be a manual or automatic vehicle, what size do you want, if the miles are unlimited if it has an AC unit and GPS, as well as a baby seat – if you need one, of course.
So, actually choosing a car is not difficult, however, once you opted for one, you will probably need to click through several pages of agreements. This is what is important – you will need to read them carefully and thoroughly. When you rent a car in this island state, the agreement pages are incredibly important. But wait, what is the size of the vehicle you opted for?
Should I Choose a Smaller or Larger Vehicle?

Source: flamtravel
This is perhaps the most important question you could ask yourself. You should definitely keep in mind that the roads in Ireland are small, more specifically, the ones that you might want to visit – which are the gorgeous ones – are small. Of course, you will want to get the biggest one available in order to be more comfortable, but, you might not be able to do that in Ireland. Hence, it is important to choose a smaller car that will allow you to easily drive and pass buses and other vehicles on your road trip.
Getting Car Insurance is Extremely Crucial

Source: autoinsurance50
You have probably purchased travel insurance when you bought your tickets, however, you will want to buy the “extra” insurance when renting a car – in fact, you must purchase one at You will not be able to find one single company that will allow you to rent their vehicle without buying the additional coverage.
So, why is that? Well, Ireland is one of a handful of countries around the globe that most personal car companies and credit cards will not cover. And, you will also want to check your travel insurance since it might not cover it either. Also, you should not wait while you are at the airport to buy the insurance, especially since it will cost you an additional 500 to 700 dollars.
Keep in mind that you should also double, if not triple check if your car insurance covers everything that you need it to cover. If you are interested in seeing more information about what insurance types you can choose to get, check out theaa website to see additional information.
Tips for Driving in Wonderful Ireland

Source: amainsider
There are various things that you must learn if you are planning on driving in Ireland. These things include:
1. What Are The Speed Limits? – The limits include 30 mph in cities and town, 50 mph on open, single roads, 60 mph on national roads, and 75 mph on motorways. If you are a tourist, you will want to respect the speed limits – since you do not want to get a ticket that will take a big chunk of your budget.
2. Itinerary for a stress-free road trip: Following a recommended route itinerary for your road trip around Ireland will mean you will see more of the best places for the time you have travelling. Check out for the best road trip itinerary around Ireland.
3. Do I Need to Wear a Seat Belt? – Just like in every other place in the world, wearing a seat belt is mandatory for both the driver and passengers in Ireland. Kids that are under 16 kilograms and 150 centimeters need to have a car or booster seat.
4. Can I Use my Smartphone? – Although you probably know the answer to this question, it is still worth mentioning. Using smartphones while driving is strictly forbidden. You can use Bluetooth, however, the police also consider these to be a distraction. Also, if you are planning on using your cellphone as a GPS, you should let someone else navigate while you focus on the road.
5. Do I Need to Drive on The Left Side? – Yes, driving on the left side is mandatory. Hence, you will need to do more than just keeping to the left side. This is why you should first drive around a parking lot in your rental, just to get used to the feeling of driving on the left side. Basically, it means that everything will be mirrored when driving on the left, so, you should constantly remind yourself about this situation.
6. Are Gas Stations Common? – Gas stations are usually referred to as “petrol stations” in Ireland, and you should know that they are smaller than the ones you might visit at home. If you are in rural areas, there will not be a lot of gas stations, and almost all of them do not offer a 24/7 service. Hence, you will want to check and refill your tank whenever you can.
7. What Should I Do if There is an Emergency? – If you need to reach the emergency service while in this island country, the numbers that will connect you to an emergency operator are 122 and 999. So, try to remember these numbers, memorize them on your smartphone, or write them down and leave the note in your car.

Source: tripsavvy
So, as you were able to read and learn, it is crucial for you to have car insurance when driving in Ireland. So, now that you know why it is important, do not waste any more time and start searching for car insurance that will fit your needs best.