The fact is that there are much more car accidents every day than many people think. According to the statistics, more than 6 million collisions happen each year only in the United States. That is the main reason to always have a proper insurance policy. Also, it is important to know to handle the situation in the right way. First of all, make sure that everyone is safe and call 911.
There is no reason to argue with another side over responsibility. Try to remain calm, and take the photos from the scene that you can use as evidence. If there are people around who can be witnesses, you should take their numbers as well.
The complexity of this situation is mostly related to cases where both sides cannot agree on responsibility and the amount of compensation. In case another side cannot agree on your terms even though there is clear evidence available, like the police report, medical bills, and repair expenses, you will need to take this case on trial.
When the situation is complicated, and you are not sure whether you will be able to win on trial or make the right settlement, the best solution is to hire a good attorney. If you need one in Atlanta, check out On the other hand, there are cases where you can settle a claim on your own. We are going to discuss this option in the following article.
When Is It a Good Choice?

It depends on the complexity of an accident when it comes to choosing to do it on your own or hire an attorney. For example, if it was a clear situation, and the other side is aware that it is responsible for it, there is no reason to force such a case to be processed as a trial. However, you should be aware of your rights and what you can include in the deal.
Even if the accident is more serious, with bodily injuries and higher expenses for car repair, you can still avoid an attorney when you are sure that there won’t be any issues in creating the right settlement. The most important factors to consider when creating the claim are related to injuries and how serious they are, which includes medical care, potential disabilities, compensation for the pain, and more.
The main advantage of choosing to create a settlement without a lawyer is that the process will be cheaper. However, keep in mind that it will require knowledge and experience, and some mistakes could lead to a lower amount of compensation.
Learn More About the Process

The first step when you are creating a claim is to contact the insurance company. There are some differences from state to state when it comes to claims, which is related to claim or no-claim regulation. The next thing to do is evaluate the damage made to your vehicle, along with the medical bills, and other details.
The formality could be the most difficult part since it is necessary to create a demand letter where you will include the details and explain why you are asking for specific compensation. Another common problem is that many people will try to lower the amount you are demanding. Only a good lawyer will help you to determine the right size of compensation.
Mistakes to Avoid

As we already mentioned, these settlements can be quite complicated, which leaves a lot of space for issues that might lead to much lower compensation than you expected. Commonly, people rush with their settlement deals. Recording a statement would be a huge mistake if you are not sure that you made the right calculation.
Also, be sure to learn more about your rights when it comes to the money that you can get for the pain, long-term injuries, lost wages, and more. Keep in mind that the claim adjuster might try to lower the final amount, and this person will try different methods, like giving a final offer or by trying to exclude some details from your claims.
Getting a Professional Assistance is Always the Best Solution

As you can see, there are many cases when you can decide to save some money by getting through the process of filing a claim on your own. Still, you should be aware of the potential consequences of such a decision because the system can be complicated, and there are many tricks that the other side might try to use to lower-down the compensation.
The same is when you are responsible for an accident, and you think that the other side is asking for too much money. Besides that, there are many complex situations where you need to decide the right amount for the pain you suffered, along with long-term injuries that might leave a trace on your life for good.
The legal system might feel too complex to people who don’t have enough knowledge and experience, and the other side might notice that and use it in its favor. That is especially the case when people are forcing settlements instead of trials.
On the other side, if you are the accused person, the other side might try to scare you that the amount will be much higher if you decide to get a trial. This is another reason to contact the attorney so you can determine the right solution.
The Verdict
People should decide to settle claims without the assistance of an experienced lawyer only when they are familiar with the process and all of the details that must be included in the settlement. The key is to understand how much money you can demand and that the other side might try to use some tricks to make things more in their favor.
When the situation is difficult for you to understand, and if you are not sure whether some detail or mistake might create troubles for you, there is no reason to risk and continue on your own. It is important to know that many lawyer companies provide secure deals where you don’t need to pay them anything in case that you lose the case.