Squirrels are extremely cute animals, and we love to see them run around, climb trees, or play, but one thing that not many people know is that they can cause a lot of damage and injuries. These animals are rodents, and even though they are far cuter, they can be as disastrous as rats. Squirrels can transmit diseases, they can do property damages, and they can cause issues and infections. Living in a home that is filled with these animals can be scary, especially if you didn’t choose to have them as pets.
Not many people know the most common signs of a squirrel infestation in their homes, and they usually believe that there is another problem, like raccoon infestation or other types of pests. If you are suspecting that there is an issue in your home that you are not aware of, you’ve come to the right place. Keep on reading to find out what the most common signs are, and how you can know that there are unwanted squirrels in your home.
1. You can hear strange noises from your attic or crawl space

Source: atticprojectscompany.com
One of the easiest ways that you can notice that there is an infestation on your property is by the noises the wildlife animals make. You will be able to notice them roaming around, and no matter if there is only one animal or more of them, you will be able to notice that something is bothering you.
You will be able to hear not only footprints, but you will also be able to notice chewing and scratching sounds, so you need to pay close attention to this. The rodents will chew on your drywalls, and sometimes even on the cables.
2. There is an unpleasant smell

Source: medicalnewstoday.com
Another huge sign that there is something wrong is the foul smell that will come out of the crawl space, attic, or even the space behind your walls. If you have a pet in your home, you may think that they are the reason for this odor, but more often than not, it is because of the infestation.
The reason why this is happening is because of the fecal matter and the urine that the squirrels will leave in your household, and in some moments, the animals can get stuck somewhere and pass away. The same goes for young wildlife that is too small to take care of themselves, so their carcasses will stay in your home and start rotting.
3. There is damage to your cables and wires

Source: callhoover.com
As we mentioned before, these animals are rodents, so they are going to chew on everything that they find. The things that are most interesting for them are the cables and wires. You can also notice damages on your insulation, roofing, ductwork, and other parts of your home.
Sometimes these damages may happen because of other things, but if you can notice chew marks, and this happens regularly, you have to call the experts.
On websites like squirrel-removal-toronto.com, you can see why it is better to call the professionals instead of taking things into your own hands, and you will see how a service can save you a lot of time, money, and effort.
4. There are visible damages on your doors, floors, and windows

Source: eaglealuminium.com.au
As you can imagine, the animals need to use an entry point to your home, and they will not use the front door as you do. In some cases, they will use the garage door or even the roof, but more often than not, they will make their own entry points. Since they can chew through almost anything, they are most likely to enter through a wooden area and make holes in your drywall, your doors and windows, and even in your crawlspace.
From the attic or the crawlspace, they will make an opening to your home, and once they are inside it is going to be extremely risky for you. Pay attention to damages like this, and if you notice an opening, call the experts as soon as you can.
5. There are squirrel droppings

Source: themeditativegardener.blogspot.com
This is another huge sign that there are squirrels in your home. They will not pay attention to where they are releasing their fecal matter, and you will be able to notice the droppings everywhere. Note that you may not see them in your home, but you will definitely notice them around your home, on the exterior walls, and even in some parts of your room.
Once again, this is not a sign that you can ignore, as the fecal matter can lead to a lot of infections, and it will be dangerous for you and everyone in your household.
6. You can notice water damage

Source: h2oproservice.com
When we notice water damage on our properties, the first thing we think of is damage to the gutters, the pipes, or the roof. Even though this may be the case, you cannot be completely sure of what caused that. Squirrels can easily chew through materials, and they can open holes on your roof and with that, cause water damage, mold and mildew in your home.
Another thing that will happen if there is an infestation, is that the rodents will urinate everywhere in your home, including the attic. After a while, you will notice wet circles on your ceiling, and you may think that this is water or that a pipe burst. You have to have your attic checked in case you notice something like this, and you should know that mold will be the least of your problems if this happens.
Besides these things, you will be seeing squirrels a lot more often on your property, there will be footprints everywhere, you will notice dirt, dust, and debris in and around your home, and there will be a lot of other damage everywhere. Know that it is far cheaper and easier to call the professionals when you notice the first signs than to wait for things to get serious. By getting rid of the rodents on time you will save yourself a lot of trouble and you will not have to deal with huge damages on your property.