The United Kingdom is a great place to live and work. It’s no wonder many people want to go there and do precisely that. For citizens of this region, that’s a thing they get for granted. But for those who want to come over, the conditions they need to meet are sometimes seen as hellish. But, the situation is difficult on the reverse end. Even if you’re an employer, you’ll have a hard time getting a workforce from abroad regardless of their skill set. British immigration services are one of the harshest in the world.
The thing is you can’t receive vise, regardless if you are a student or a working immigrant if you haven’t found a place to work or study beforehand. There’s a strict process that regulates these matters. So, if you want to have a worker from abroad you need to attain a sponsorship license. A company that wants to hire someone who is not a UK citizen will have to apply for a visa, and it is a unique process. There are many requirements to be met, and in this article, we’re going to cover most of them.
It doesn’t matter from which side you’re watching this process, as an employer or an employee, it is equally important to know what’s required of you. The matters were complicated even before Brexit, and now they’re taken to another level. The new set of rules even applies to EEA and even Swiss nationals. As of now, there are few if any exceptions to the rules Uk imposed on immigration. Even if you’re French or German the same rules apply to you as they used to China, Russia, or any non-EU country. This is why it’s vital to learn what are the requirements of a sponsor license in the UK.
What Makes You Eligible

As we said. This is not an easy task. But, the time comes when the homework offerings are not enough for some companies. When this is the case an application for a sponsor license is what needs to be done. The issue for most companies is that they’re not eligible for the application. To have eligibility you need to meet a few requirements. The biggest one is not having any criminal convictions regarding immigration offenses. Also, it is vital that your enterprise had no involvement with crimes such as fraud. Another important factor is the sponsorship license itself. It is easier to get one if you had one before. But, in other to comply with the new one you had to do fair to your previous one. So, it’s vital that you honored and carried out the previous license you had to the fullest.
For most companies, meeting these requirements is the norm. but, as one could have guessed that’s not all. Every company that wants to apply for a sponsor’s license knows that this is only the beginning. What follows is a thorough examination of your business. Each firm that enters this process needs to deliver data tied to its operations to the immigration services. Back in the day, employers, it was required to pass the Resident Labour Market test. This is no longer the case, but the Home Office doesn’t stop there. Each company that wants to receive a sponsor’s license needs to give proof that foreign labour is indeed much needed and that the required workforce can’t be found at home.

While a sponsor’s license brings many benefits, it is not easy to attain. So, in most cases, companies apply for it when the situation is serious enough that they need foreign help. They can apply for both temporary and standard workers depending on what they need at the moment. It all comes down to the sphere of business your company finds itself in, and the work that the work itself is going to handle. Even when the license is granted the work doesn’t stop. The UK immigration service takes itself seriously in every department, and the foreign workforce is no different.
For a worker with a sponsor’s license, a Certificate of Sponsorship is handed out by the employer. This is only the first step. One would have thought that getting service at her Majesty The Queen’s service would be easier. But, when you employ a foreign workforce the work only begins with the sponsor’s license. Further down the road, you are obliged to meet various other obligations and requirements. The duty of a company with a sponsor’s license runs deep.
Which Type Suits Your Enterprise?

It all comes down to the type of workers you need for your company. The type will not be determined by you, but by the documents and skill set of the worker that wants to work in the UK. As we already mentioned above, the license can be long-term and temporary. The first one targets employees who are seeking and receiving a permanent spot in a UK-based company. This is not an easy permit to attain. It would require a Skilled Worker visa which includes people who excel in certain domains or ministers of religion, and various athletes who come sot play to Premier League and the other UK-based sports leagues.
On the other hand, you have a temporary visa, an easier type to attain, which is given to someone who will work for a limited amount of time on UK soil. It applies to broader fields of work, and it can be given in numerous departments. Companies who are interested and can achieve it can apply for both types and even combine them.
Once in possession of a sponsor’s license, a great deal of responsibility falls on the back of the employer. His duties are to provide the salary to the employer which will reach at least the minimum salary prescribed to the given field. The employee’s duties include handling the responsibilities with a work ethic and proving that it’s up to the task required in terms of skills and dedication. Once the two are on the same page talking to Home Office is a must to complete the deal. This is just the tip of the iceberg in this domain, and for a full report on this subject you can talk to