Testosterone is a hormone that influences a wide variety of bodily and psychological functions, including strength gains, muscle mass, and libido. It ensures better muscle response during workouts, which helps achieve bigger and stronger muscles. It’s also associated with both athletic performance and general endurance.
It is a hormone found in both men and women. A variety of outside factors influences its levels. However, you can find testosterone pills in any testosterone steroids shop in the UK, which you can check here: gymtea.co.uk.
Before Buying Testosterone Pills
They are pretty much a sure-fire way of upping your body’s testosterone levels. However, before moving on to artificial solutions, you should make sure that your natural testosterone levels are stable. Here are some ideas on how to do so.
First of all, excessive use of alcohol negatively affects your total testosterone levels. Using alcohol in reasonable amounts and with normal frequency can increase the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio. Therefore, if you’re drinking excessively, it’s better to limit it.
Stress is a known cause of decreased natural testosterone levels. In bodybuilding, this has a lot to do with overtraining. With that said, this doesn’t mean that you should quit strenuous workouts, as they positively influence your natural testosterone levels.
Extreme fasting and dieting can also lead to dropping levels. The same goes for overeating. A healthy, balanced, protein-rich diet is what you should aim for in bodybuilding.
Finally, body fat decreases the amounts of natural testosterone in your body. It’s important to stay lean if you want your levels to be satisfactory.
Using Testosterone Steroids
Testosterone steroids are steroids that temporarily increase the testosterone levels in your body. They can be oral or injectable. Injectable steroids are better absorbed into your body and stay in your bloodstream for longer periods of time.
Although less invasive, oral steroids cause more noticeable side-effects. Furthermore, they tend to last no longer than five hours, which calls for more frequent dosing.
Injectable steroids are much more efficient and require less frequent dosing. However, the fact that they remain in your bloodstream for longer periods of time means that your natural testosterone will be more affected. This is a crucial factor to take into account, especially after you’ve finished a dosing cycle.
How do testosterone steroids work?
Basically, steroids are chemical compounds possessing a common structure. Although there line up various varieties of steroids, testosterone steroids are one of the all that gets to work in your body. As the steroid gets in, your body breaks it into molecules that then bind to the androgen receptors.
After the testosterone steroid gets to its position, the androgen receptor is activated. Based on the type of cell the steroids are placed in, certain changes in the body are stimulated
Whether you use pills or injections, testosterone steroids tend to have similar side-effects. As mentioned earlier, the oral version is likely to cause more noticeable side-effects.
The main side-effect of using them is a decrease in natural testosterone levels. Another one is tingling or numbness. Severe acne, oily hair, and skin, loss of hair, kidney, heart, liver, and mood issues are the symptoms of testosterone steroid overuse. If you stick to your doctor’s instructions, you shouldn’t experience any of these. You can always check some testosterone booster reviews to make sure what you are using.
Using injectable testosterone steroids is a much better idea than taking them orally. However, you need to be careful when injecting yourself. If you aren’t experienced, you may end up hitting the sciatic nerve, which causes long-lasting and severe pain. In some cases, improper injectable steroid distribution can even result in paralysis.
Health risks aligned with steroids
Besides the adverse effects, some other health risks also come along with the use of testosterone steroids for bodybuilding. Using injectable steroids increases the chances of transmitting chronic blood-borne diseases like HIV and hepatitis. More so, buying steroids from the unlicensed dealers can often carry the risk of poisoning. Thus, it is advised to ensure buying steroids from a licensed, reputable dealer only.
Furthermore, long term consumption of steroids can lead to psychiatric effects, including:
- Impaired judgment and delusions
- Mood swings
- Paranoia
- Aggression or roid rage that might result in violence.
- Feeling of invincibility
Know When to Stop
It’s crucial that you follow the dosing cycle. If you aren’t sure about it, contact an expert, or your GP to discuss matters. Excessive testosterone steroid use can lead to many unwanted health complications. Furthermore, if you don’t do everything as you should, you’re risking steroid addiction.
However, know that halting the use of steroids will bring along several withdrawal symptoms leading to relapse. And some of these symptoms are:
- Insomnia or trouble falling asleep
- Depression
- Severe mood swings
- Restlessness or uneasiness
- Fatigue
- Decreased sex drive
Here, depression can be the most problematic issue as more often than not; this condition persists even after the detox period. In such cases, the intake of an SSRI antidepressant can probably bring you relief. Besides this, changes like decreased sex drives or other issues can be treated through hormone therapy. However, try holding on to your emotions and reach out for medical help only if the symptoms turn up to be distressing.
Testosterone Steroids
Using any type of steroids is risky and should be taken seriously. Steroids aren’t necessarily bad. They can help you get in better shape and even permanently boost your muscle mass and strength. However, there are a lot of risks involved.
Make sure that you buy from certified testosterone steroids shops. Additionally, don’t proceed with injections without professional medical assistance or advice. Whether you want to opt for pills or injections, you need to make sure that you’re safe.