Every coffee lover wants to transcend to the next level of being a coffee guru. A nice cup of coffee in the morning will set you up for the rest of the day. The sweet taste of coffee can lift up your mood and keep you fresh for the day. And while it’s tempting to go out and have a barista make a cup for you, it is rather pricy. So why not make it yourself?
But before you do make your own coffee, there are a few tips that you can use to aid that task. And we are going to take a look at the tips and rules of coffee making.
1. A Coffee Brewer Is Your Best Friend

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Every barista has a coffee brewer right by his side that produces the best coffee on the block. So why not get one for yourself? Coffee makers are practical machines that make all kinds of coffee for you. They are your best friend when you wake up because they produce your morning elixir. Coffee makers can make anything from basic coffee to espresso, to lattes, cappuccinos, Americano, Mocha, and more. But there are also other stuff that you need to pay attention if you want to make the perfect cup. And that puts us nicely to our second rule, which is…
2. Buy Fresh Coffee Beans

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According to experts at https://greatcoffeebrewers.com/, no coffee maker is complete without fresh coffee beans. Without a doubt, coffee is best when made from fresh beans, and that is the rule you must get in your head. Whenever you feel like it’s time to brew a cup, head out to your local roaster to get some of the freshest beans out there. Another great thing about this is the incredible smell that greets you whenever we enter one such fine establishment. Do beware of buying beans from the supermarket, as they can be rather bulky. Coffee beans must be kept away from the light, and away from oxygen. So it’s best to avoid coffee beans in supermarket display bins.
3. If you’re Buying More, Keep it Fresh at all Times

Source: Pixabay
We just mentioned that oxygen and light destroy the flavor of the beans. That is precisely why people buy just enough for a few days of brewing. But if you buy more than what you need, make sure to always keep it away from the light and make sure to have the coffee sealed so it doesn’t get oxidized. Keep it away from the refrigerator, and keep it away from the freezer. Experts say that the best place to store your coffee is on a shelf, in a jar, away from sunlight, and carefully sealed as to not get the flow of oxygen in the container.
4. Grind It

Source: Pixabay
Whenever we grind coffee beans, we are grinding to enjoy the amazing taste of it in the form of a cup of coffee. But coffee loses its quality whenever we grind it. So make sure to always grind just enough to put a cup or two in your coffee maker.
When chasing the perfect coffee taste, these are the rules you must follow. Buying a coffee brewer for yourself will save you a lot of time and frustration, as well as, give you the ability to make the perfect cup of coffee.