Pay Day loans are excellent financial tools to have when faced with a financial emergency. Payday loans allow you to face your financial problem by loaning a certain amount of money, and paying it back when the next paycheck arrives.
Given the nature of the problem that payday loans manage to tackle, they remain a strong option for millions of American households.
The process is very simple, and it required you to provide your identification, banking, and other details. Once approved, you get the money eighter right away, or in the next 24 to 36 hours.

Source: Finder
Payday loans are mostly marketed, and the user demographic mostly consists of middle-income American households that just about manage paycheck to paycheck.
Because of this, they are left with no other options but to apply for a payday loan. Their financial situation leaves very little room for flexibility, and paying for that car ticket by applying to a payday loan is better than losing your car and job.
So this is why many Americans use it. Some companies offer payday loans that can go up to $1000, and all of this depends on the individual and his financial situation. Payday loaners will not engage in high sums if the risk of failure to repay is too great. Or they might go ahead, and if you don’t repay, they will repossess valuable items as a means of payment.
It’s a double-edged sword, one that you really don’t want to owe.

Source: Loan Reviews
Another way to sign up for a payday loan is by applying for an online loan.
There are companies that have mobile apps on Google Play and Apple’s App Store, for such problems. One such app is Loan Day USA – Cash Loans Today.
Loan Day USA – Cash Loan Today is an app that requires a working phone and an internet connection. The app works in a way that it connects you with potential lenders or investors, and the process takes no more than a few minutes.
The idea behind the app is to tackle the main problem of why payday loans exist- because of life emergencies. You won’t be able to loan from the bank or your friends every time an emergency occurs, but with this app, you will.
The app gives you the freedom to choose to decline if you are not satisfied with the terms of the loan. No matter what, you have the last word.
Another great feature of the app is the user interface and user experience, which are key to the success of how they operate. Making your app easy to access and use tackles a whole marketing problem of its own.
With this app, you can apply for a loan as low as $100 and as high as $1000. Between you, the app, and your money, there are only a few minutes apart. And to top it off, it lets you can choose exactly how much you like to lend.

A key element in this app is that its free to install and free to use. There are no hidden expenses, and there is no signing on fees or membership fees involved.
With an online solution like Loan Day USA – Cash Loan Today, you will have the option of remaining flexible in times of financial problems. With this app, you can simply lend the amount of money needed, and payback whenever your next paycheck comes.