Regular visits to the dentist are important for maintaining good oral hygiene and good oral health. These visits should be conducted at least once every six months, twice per year. If you regularly brush and floss your teeth, it will result in fewer visits to the dentist. But even if your teeth are in perfect shape, it’s advised not to miss out on regular dentist’s checkups.
There are many reasons as to why you should visit the dentist every six months, some of those are:
- Early diagnosis of tooth decay
- Clean teeth
- Diagnosis of severe dental disease
- Gum disease
Ignoring dental problems will lead you in a very nasty position, and often very painful.
There are many procedures that a dentist can perform on you, and some of those are less painful than others.
In this article, we are going to explain some of the most common dental procedures.
1. Bonding
Bonding is a restorative procedure that is used to repair teeth that are decaying, chipped, fractured, or discolored. Bonding is usually a less painful procedure, and unlike some, it can be done in the dental office.
2. Braces
A dental brace is a device that I used to straighten our teeth by putting pressure on them. Braces are used to correct the alignment of our teeth and to solve any bite- related problems such as overbite, underbite, etc.
3. Gum Surgery
According to experts from, gum disease can lead to loss of gum and teeth. There are two main stages of gum disease, gingivitis, and periodontitis, and gum surgery is a procedure that is often required in the case of the disease evolving into these two stages.
4. Oral Cancer Examination
Even if your teeth are in perfect shape and condition, regular visits to the dentist are recommended because the dentist is the only person who can spot oral cancer, which can form in the cells of the mouth, tongue, and throat. During a regular dental visit, oral screening is a major part of the checkup. Oral screening is the only way your dentist can detect any signs of oral cancer.
5. Root Canals
Root canals are one of the most painful dental procedures, and they are performed once a tooth is injured, cracked or decayed. Root canal opens up your tooth and cleans the interior infected tissue located in the center of the tooth. Once the cleaning has finished, the tooth is filled up, and the opening is then sealed.
6. Teeth Whitening
During the course of our lives, our teeth tend to darken due to various natural and un-natural reasons. It can be caused by various foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, and berries, as well as some other means like smoking or tooth trauma. There are many ways you can whiten your teeth at home, or you can visit your dentist for the simple procedure of teeth whitening.
7. Fillings and Repairs
Fillings and repairs are one of the most common dental procedures. Dental fillings and repairs are done through the use of various restorative materials that are used to repair our teeth and later fill them in order to protect them.