Family potluck dinners tend to be epically uncomfortable situations for just about every non-Baby Boomer out there, and it looks like Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg’s potluck dinner TV series on VH1 is going to emulate that very weirdness, whether it intends to or not. Look no further than the recently released 30-second trailer of the TV event for proof. It doesn’t tell you much about what the show will be all about, but it does tell you that Stewart’s got moves, the two have a sort of cringe-worthy, adorable chemistry, and the show is going to be equal-parts lit and puzzling, and you’re probably going to either love it or detest it.
In the trailer, after exchanging a couple weird looks, you’ll find the hip hop legend and world-renowned homemaker busting a move and low-key grinding to “Next Episode” by Dr. Dre, against an uncomfortably pink backdrop. At some point, Stewart produces a tray of brownies which could very well be thoroughly laced with weed, Snoop pops a bottle of champagne, and through it all, they appear to be having the time of their lives in a video that can really only be explained as the world’s most awkward audition tape for Fox’s So You Think You Can Dance.
But first things first, take a look at this palpably uncomfortable, yet altogether undeniable sexual tension between the two: (jokes! sort of!)
(Mm-hm, we see you.)
And, wherein Stewart is pretty much all of us reacting to this trailer…
And, ah, yes, the only glimpses we get of actual food from a trailer for a cooking show:
Then, of course, there’s this glorious hot mess that is their dancing:
Is life even real?
Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party is slated to premier Nov. 7, and its goal is, predictably enough, to “redesign the traditional food competition shows in a new, different, and very funny way.” Watch the full trailer below.
VH1 has described the show as a “half-baked evening of cocktails, cooking, conversation, and fun where nothing is off limits.” Imagine that in weekly installments. Fellow hip hop icon 50 Cent reportedly visited the set just weeks ago, and one episode is set to feature a “slumber party,” so, yeah, talk about “no limits.” It’s a surprising path for both stars, and while, sure, it promises to be as awkward as any other dinner party you’ve been too ever, it also looks like a lot of flavorful fun, too.
Original by: Kylie Cheung