The technique of floatation therapy is still not very well understood by the vast majority of society. Some people are skeptical of the benefits whereas some just have no idea about what is involved. Many researchers are of the opinion that floatation helps to boost the wellness and happiness of an individual and recent studies have backed this up.
What exactly is flotation?
Floating is an alternative health technique whereby an individual lays in an isolated tank. All the sensory experiences like sight, smell and sound are cut off. The tank is filled with water that is the same temperature as your body and mixed with high levels of Epsom salts. This allows you to float on top of the water, and the conditions allow you to stay peaceful and relaxed. This provides numerous positive impacts on both the body and mind.
Following are some of the benefits of this therapy.

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Floating improves sleep
You could be suffering from a sleep disorder and this may be harmful to your body. Getting quality sleep on a daily basis ensures that your body functions optimally and thus you can resolve issues, stay emotionally stable, make rational decisions and remain focused during the day.
With sleep disorders, you are at the risk of developing some lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure, something that has been on the rise in recent years. Therapists have put forward that floatation therapy when done for at least 1 hour a week could improve your sleep.
Stress relief
A large number of psychological issues are due to worry. Floating provides a deep sense of relaxation and peace of mind. In this state, you can escape from your surroundings, which reduces your worries and anxieties. By the time you complete a session, you are fully relieved. The hormones associated with stress are slowly rendered powerless, helping you enjoy a new lease on life.
“Without auditory input the brain gets to rest and can go into a self-healing state”, says Mychelle Whitewood, director of Float Water Temple in Melbourne.
“When you’re floating, you experience zero gravity which allows the body to fully relax and helps regenerate cells”.

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Treating Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is one of the stress-related diseases which floatation therapy deals with. A session in a float tank reduces the markers of body distress syndrome, a condition that is orchestrated by high quantities of stress. Some of the signs of this condition include chronic fatigue syndrome. Research shows that repeated sessions of floatation can reduce the impact of this disease and therefore provide relief for the patient.
Pain relief
It could be the lower back, some neck stiffness or just pain in the body that you don’t even know the origin. By spending time floating in magnesium, you can increase blood circulation, helping recovery and making the pain disappear. This allows you to resume your normal operations without strain. In fact, you only need to go through one session and start to reap the benefits. Therapists have argued that floatation therapy could act as a healing mechanism due to its nature of taking pressure off the muscles and enhancing recovery.

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Reduces anxiety
Studies show that nearly one out of every five adults suffer from tension due to fear of uncertainty, which leads to general mental disturbance (GAD). This is one of the mental health issues that is hard to treat. Floating can reduce anxiety and from just a few sessions of this therapy, many GAD patients have been relieved from the effects of depression. It’s not surprising that a number of psychotherapists are recommending this to assist in treating anxiety related diseases.
Now that you know the facts about the floatation therapy, you can look to implement it into your weekly routine and enjoy the benefits that millions of others in Australia and around the world are enjoying.