Being in love is the most amazing feeling in the world. However, this feeling gets shared when you have a little munchkin in your life. Although having kids is not the first thing that comes to anyone’s mind when they’re dating someone or already married, but is a thought that naturally occurs to the mind at some time. Even if you read several articles online, you will never know what it means to have a child in your life. From changing diapers every few minutes to doing grocery shopping more frequently, there are several changes in the lives of two people. Here, in this article, we will tell you a few things, you should know before becoming a parent:
1. You won’t Have Sex All The Time

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Although it sounds weird, it is 100% true. Once you have a child, your attention will shift towards taking care of your baby. You might be having sex every night with your partner or even day time, but after there’s a little one in the house, it will be your responsibility to attend the child whenever he/she needs you. On average, couples have sex at least two times a week, which means they get laid more than 50 times a year. This number will eventually come down in the first few months after having your baby because most new parents get sleepless nights. So even if you think you’ll be able to make out in the back seat of the car someday, things will change drastically.
2. Making a Baby Isn’t Easy

Source: fool
If you think you’ll immediately get pregnant after having sex with your spouse for the first time, you’re wrong! In today’s time, couples try hard to conceive for the first time. Especially when it comes to women, they need to go the extra mile to declutter their mind from stress and practice breathing exercises all day long. So now that you have plans to have a baby, you better chuck out some time for yourself and relax. Check with your doctor to see if you have any fertility issues. Infertility is one of the leading causes of a lot of couples going through a rough patch in their relationship. So it is best to see a doctor on time. That will give you the information you need on whether you can get pregnant naturally or if you need to explore other options such as home insemination through
3. Baby Shopping Will Take a Big Toll on Your Budget

Source: National Mortgage Professional
If you’re planning for a baby for the first time, you’ll have to start saving 5 to 6 months before engaging with your partner. Not to forget, with inflation being a major issue across the globe, a lot of people struggle with sudden unplanned expenditures. Experts say, preparing a new baby nursery with everything of the finest quality can cost up to $15000. So it is wise enough to start saving right now if you have plans to have a child in the next few months. Furthermore, with life insurance policies being cheap, it is best to start saving for your family so they can have a better future.
4. You Will Have to Compromise With Your Spouse

Source: Best Life
The best thing about a child is that he/she brings two individuals together. This means, when two people have fought very often, they tend to keep away from one another for weeks and months. However, once you have a child, you and your spouse will need to bury your issues for some time and take care of the little one together. Even if you’re having the worst time of your life being with the person you love, planning for a child means you both need to put your ego aside and stick with each other. Pregnancy is a tough period for women and one when they need the support of their husbands. Similarly, husbands need to be pampered when they’re working relentlessly to welcome the new baby and cater for the expenses.
5. You, Will, Need to be More Particular About The Documents

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Now that you have another person at home, you will need to be more careful regarding the documents. Secondly, if you welcome twin babies at the same time, you will have to get their birth certificates on time and you can get it on You must contact the necessary state authorities who are in charge of managing documents of their nationals. Secondly, don’t forget to apply for the passport. This is because you will need your child’s passport to travel in a different place across the globe. There are a few myths about baby documents online, but it is best to be particular about the important papers of your child.
6. Babies Don’t Need A lot of Clothes

Source: StemExpress Foundation
One of the biggest mistakes that a lot of people make is, they tend to overspend on baby clothes when preparing for the first child. No matter what friends and loved ones tell you, it is best to be thoughtful enough when spending money. Babies need an abundance of diapers and soft cotton sheets that can easily keep them warm. If your baby is due in summer, there is no need to buy several pairs of the same clothing option. However, if your little bunch of joy is due in winter, you will need to go the extra mile in buying multiple pairs of socks, gloves, handkerchiefs, and a lot more. Of course, you cannot forget the bib because your baby will throw milk after digesting it.
7. You, Will, Take More Pictures Than Ever

Source: Beloit Rising Professionals
The best part about babies is, they tend to change facial expressions every day. Most obsessive parents love capturing pictures of their munchkins every day. This is because people can’t get over the bliss of having a new bundle of joy. Don’t challenge yourself right now because you will regret it later. People think they won’t spend too much time capturing pictures and videos of their kids, but they end up doing the opposite. Although it is not wise enough to munch on social media all the time, still taking pictures of some amazing moments can help you in making a collage. This way, you will be able to show cute moments to your kids when they grow up.