I’m really intrigued by the role of slippers in my life. They’re like a comfort blanket for my feet, and frankly, they feel more necessary to me than other items of clothing. We write articles about handbags, cocktail dresses, and jewelry but what about the article of clothing that keeps our toes nice and snuggly. It’s time to show the house slipper some love. So, this article will be all about slippers that deserve more shine for the role they serve in our lives. Let’s go!
First things first, when you live in a home with mostly hardwood floors, or tile, you’ll realize quite quickly that slippers are your best friend. There’s nothing worse than getting out of bed first thing in the morning and placing your once warm feet on ice cold floors. So from a conventional standpoint, they’re simply must-haves. And, they come in many forms and styles. I don’t want to give crocs too much air time, but I think we need to address that crocs happened so we can move on with our lives. While Croc slippers where a bit of a craze about a decade back, the bad designs also turned off many people despite their supposed functionality. What is their functionality? I’m still not sure? To air out your feet?

Source: thewirecutter.com
Slippers are even a fashion staple, while it may seem frivolous to check off the style box when it comes to them, millions of people do so. Both comfortable and fashionable, cute slippers or slippers as a whole in footwear category enjoys a high status in many countries and cultures around the world, the most popular depiction recently being in this year’s smash superhero hit Black Panther where Chadwick Boseman wears a sleek pair in the scene of his initiation ceremony. If you think you want to go bold and rock the next party with some comfy shoes for women, then this is the perfect guide to help you out.
House shoes aren’t just the hero of the story, they come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages just like shoes. But since we have been so hardwired and accustomed to wearing shoes from our early childhood in the American culture that we often ignore the variety of designs that are available in the market which necessarily do not have an open-toe design like sandals that people commonly associate with Crocs. Also, the stereotypical idea that only grandma’s and crazy cat ladies wear house shoes don’t help that reputation much.

Source: dhresource.com
As far as functionality is concerned, shoes still are the best way to keep your feet comfortable and protected in cold and desert regions. In fact, the main point of shoes is to keep your feet as comfortable as possible whether you’re walking, running or working out. However, wearing shoes for extended periods of time is not a good idea for two main reasons.
The first reason would be a painful and nasty foot condition called hammer toe which many complain of after years of wearing shoes and boot for long hours. I used the word nasty because this condition is basically the deformation of your precious feet by deforming your big toe. This can result in an odd shape of the foot that won’t feet normal footwear.
The second reason would be the more common infections and joint pains which thousands suffer from every day. The stress caused by the constant walking combined with the comparatively harder material of shoes for long hours can cause joint pain. Sure you can get away wearing soft shoes or sneakers in summer, but hard shoes are undoubtedly a must for snowy and rainy days. If, by chance, the shoe is made of poor materials or the condition of the material deteriorates over years of use then there is also a high chance of fungal infections occurring. If you’ve never suffered from it, just know that feet infection are seriously irritating and painful affairs that take a long time to heal.
If you’re involved in a professional like journalism or direct sales that involve a lot of walking and moving around, it might be time that you think of your poor feet a bit and look for softer and more comfortable options like house shoes.

Source: rankandstyle.com
Okay, this never happens but let’s say for humor’s sake you’re trying to choose whether to wear a pair of stylish house shoes or flip-flops, oy vey. Here is a completely arbitrary list of reasons to always choose slippers. Slippers are popular around the world among women for a good number of reasons that make them more practical than shoes in any time of the year except winter. Some manufacturers haven’t even let that stand in their way and come up with functional and compact slipper designs for winter. While they’re suited more for casual wear than formal wear and not intended to be worn for extended periods of time, they’re a great way to provide your feet. Here are some of the basic pros and cons of flip-flops that you should be aware of!