You decide to eat healthy – great. However, you lack some knowledge of how healthy foods are selected and prepared. There is a lot of talk about healthy food today, but among all this information, one simply does not know where to start. What foods are actually considered healthy and what is being combined with? To answer these and similar questions, let’s first define what healthy foods are.
- 1. Eat as much raw food as possible
- 2. In addition to raw meals, you also need to eat cooked foods
- 3. Avoid unhealthy foods that lead to a wide variety of ailments
- 4. Don’t skip breakfast
- 5. Drink as much liquid as possible
- 6. In order for food to be healthy, it must also be varied
- 7. You can make any unhealthy recipe healthy
- 8. Be active
1. Eat as much raw food as possible

Source: medicalnewstoday
Healthy food means what will give you the energy you need. That is why it is best to eat as much raw food as possible and avoid, above all, frying. When you eat raw foods, you make the most of the enzymes from it. Enzymes actually help the food to digest better and therefore absorb it.
Although our body produces its own enzymes, its amount is not enough, and the body consumes a lot of energy to produce them. This is why fatigue and drowsiness can often occur after eating large amounts of unhealthy foods. You probably noticed yourself, after a big meal, you get drowsy and exhausted. This is because the body directs all its energy to cope with the eating of foods and neglects normal functioning.
Also, what remains in the stomach is rotting and represents a great potential for the occurrence of a wide variety of diseases. Therefore, it is ideal to introduce at least one raw meal into your diet during the day, and possibly more, to save more energy for other daily activities.
2. In addition to raw meals, you also need to eat cooked foods

Source: foodtruckempire
In addition to raw meals, you need to have cooked meals as some foods simply require cooking. Such is the case, for example. with legumes.
Cereals should also be processed and you can make whole bread and all kinds of pastries from them. Read the declarations and be sure to avoid the sugary cereals that usually contain harmful additives!
Mushrooms are another type of food that is advisable to cook.
Some foods do not require processing, although they are advised to eat ground (flax, chia, hemp seeds and sesame). Others you can eat non-ground (sunflower, pumpkin seeds) or you can bake them beforehand. In any case, it is best to eat ground seeds for better absorption.
As for nuts, you can eat them raw and you can also eat them blanched and/or baked. Eat nuts as diverse as possible. Allowed daily intake of nuts ranges from 20 to 60 grams (about 1-2 hands), depending on your psychophysical activity, muscle mass, gender, and age.
These foods are rich in healthy fats, essential amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Daily intake of these foods has been proven to reduce the risk of various diseases.
3. Avoid unhealthy foods that lead to a wide variety of ailments

Source: jamesclear
Unhealthy foods include all those foods that contain high levels of (simple) sugars, as well as saturated and trans fats, but hardly contain the necessary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Because of this, these foods are often referred to as “empty calories” because ingesting them does more harm than good to the body.
Instead of nutritious nutrients, they provide only a high level of unhealthy calories, which can lead to a wide variety of illnesses and addictions. Consuming these foods is the ideal combination for getting some of the disease (increasingly common allergies, cardiovascular disease, various cancers, and diabetes).
4. Don’t skip breakfast

Source: Pixabay
Many people make a huge mistake by skipping breakfast. Instead, they immediately reach for a cup of coffee and a pack of cigarettes. However, skipping breakfast won’t make you slimmer! On the contrary.
If you skip breakfast, you will surely get hungry for the rest of the day and then grab the first food that comes near you. Instead of a high-quality meal, you will only be eating “empty calories”. This will slow down your metabolism and you will have a problem with your unburned calories. That way, you will only have a counter-effect. Ideally, you start the day with protein and fat to have steady energy throughout the day.
5. Drink as much liquid as possible

Source: centralaustralianbushwalkers
If you get hungry before lunch, be sure to drink as much liquid as possible. It is best to drink plain water or naturally squeezed juices. The ideal daily intake of water is a liter for every 25kg of body weight. Quite a few people, because of their misplaced habits, do not know how to distinguish hunger from thirst. This may sound ridiculous to you, but it happens. Instead of reaching for snacks, drink a glass of water and you will notice that you are no longer as hungry as you seemed before.
6. In order for food to be healthy, it must also be varied

Source: healthline
This is perhaps the most important item about healthy eating that it needs to be diversified. Only in this way will you be able to bring in all the necessary macros (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Chicken, pork, beef, fish. We need everything. Like other macronutrients. As far as micronutrients are concerned, if we do not manage to get enough in everything, there are always supplements. There are so many health supplements available now that is also hard to decide which one would be right for you. But there’s one that gives you more energy, better focus and concentration, reduced anxiety, sleep, health, and immune function in just a scoop daily. Check out this – the ultimate human fuel.
7. You can make any unhealthy recipe healthy

Source: acouplecooks
You don’t even have to give up on your unhealthy recipes. What do I really mean? You can always make your favorite unhealthy recipes healthy and enjoy them even more, as you will now know that you eat healthy and quality foods. Be creative and learn. Educate yourself on sites like On sites like this, you can find many useful texts and research. Once you know what is healthy and what is unhealthy, you will be able to correct each recipe.
8. Be active

Source: Canva
While it may seem to you that this is not a diet-related tip, you are wrong. As much as you eat properly, physical activity is essential. This does not mean that you have to run a marathon, but rather that you walk, exercise, stretch. You will also burn excess calories. A combination of activity and healthy eating is the key to a healthy life.
Nutrition is an area of science that is constantly evolving and often has opposite views. Be moderate, don’t follow some extreme tips. Use reason and learn and you will not go wrong.