Blue light glasses have become very popular, which is not surprising considering how much time people spend glued to the screen nowadays. We all know how harmful it can be, and that’s why we try to limit our screen time, but let’s be honest, it is not easy at all. After all, these devices have become an essential element of our everyday lives. We scroll through social media on smartphones, complete work-related tasks on laptops, and then we come home and turn on the TV.
This all leads to a question that many people have – Is it okay to wear blue light glasses even when not exposed to the blue UV light. In the following article, we will answer this question and also provide you with some additional details regarding these glasses.

Source: Mattress Advisor
Why should you get these?
First things first, let us tell you why it is a good idea to invest in these glasses. We will try to explain it as simply as possible. Basically, device screens emit blue light, but did you know that the Sun does it, too? We are not saying that it is necessarily harmful. It is why you feel so good after spending a day outside and why you feel alert and energized. However, the problem arises when you get exposed to it too much and too often. This cannot occur when exposed to the Sun, but it happens when looking at the screens throughout the day.
This is when computer vision syndrome occurs. Most common symptoms include dry eyes, headache, blurred vision, and neck and back pain. Surely, you have experienced some of these. Generally speaking, they go away after you turn off your device and take some rest, but the truth is that they can become a chronic issue. If you are looking for more information regarding this issue and some tips on how to prevent it from happening, visit this page.

Source: ve.emedemujer
It can cause insomnia
We have already explained that the blue light is the reason why you feel energized after spending a day outside and absorbing the sunlight. Nevertheless, the one that devices emit is more powerful, which is why you cannot put your smartphone away and go to sleep. What’s more, even when you do this, you still may stay awake for hours. Naturally, after some time, this can lead to insomnia that can greatly affect your everyday life.
No, light-blocking apps cannot help you
A lot of people don’t think they need to get these glasses since they use apps with a built-in blue light blocking feature. This is a good idea in theory, but the truth is that it is totally ineffective. So, don’t fool yourself into that you can scroll through your phone before going to bed without any consequences. Sure, it may appear to be okay in the beginning, but soon, your sleep cycle will be disturbed, and you’ll start experiencing additional problems.

Source: Lifewire
When to get these glasses?
As you can assume, there are numerous factors that determine whether or not you need these, but exposure to blue light is the biggest one. According to recommendations, people should only spend around two hours in front of a computer on a daily basis. So, if you spend your entire business day looking at your laptop, you should definitely consider getting these.
You can benefit from these even if you aren’t wearing prescription glasses. Obviously, if this is the case, you should wear these every time you turn on your laptop. Interestingly, they may also help you understand how much time you actually spend in front of a tablet or TV. Oftentimes people are not aware of how much time they spend this way, so it never occurs to them that the blue light may be the cause of the headaches they get frequently. Basically, the frequency of wearing these glasses can alert you that you may be facing an issue, and therefore, you may reconsider your daily habits and start making changes.
In addition, did you know that LED bulbs are another source of blue light? So, you should consider limiting the use of these, or on the other hand, install some additional lights around your office and home.
Finally, if you have already experienced any of the above-mentioned symptoms, anything from insomnia to dry eyes, you need these glasses. If we are honest, it is not easy or even possible sometimes to limit your screen time, especially if you work online and have numerous tasks you have to complete every day.

Source: Medium
Can you wear these all the time?
Upon reading the previous paragraph, you are surely wondering if there is a time when you don’t need to wear these, and most importantly, whether it is okay to wear them throughout the day. The answer to this question is yes, you can safely use them all the time. They won’t have any harmful effects on your vision, and this is the reason why most people choose to incorporate this protective layer onto their “everyday” glasses.
It may not be necessary to wear them all the time, but let’s be honest, screens and artificial light are everywhere around us, so it is a good idea to carry them with you, just in case you need them. Plus, even though the sunlight is beneficial for our body and overall physical health, it can still be harmful to our eyes and vision.
Wrapping up
To sum up, these are only some of the many benefits you can get by wearing blue light glasses. Still, there are some individuals that simply don’t like these, and they will not wear glasses under any circumstances. If you are one of them, you should start thinking about them as another accessory that you can actually benefit from.
There are multiple companies that create stylish eyewear in numerous designs and colors, and you can see some of them on Muunel. In a nutshell, you can incorporate these into your daily or business outfit, and at the same time, protect your eyes and vision.