Okay, so your new puppy is finally home. And you are probably wondering what your next step should be, right? Well, the first thing you should consider is to start training your dog immediately. Whether you choose to train your dog or puppy by yourself, take classes, or even hire a trainer, there are some tips and tricks that you should know in order for your dog to stay trained and listen to your commands.
In order for your puppy or dog to be trained well, here are some tips that you can follow:
1. Listen to your pets
You will need to learn to listen to your dog. If it appears to be uncomfortable when meeting other animals and people, do not insist on them to “say hello”. The dog is basically telling you that it is not comfortable and there is usually a good reason for that. You should learn to tell the signs when the puppy is uncomfortable and you should most certainly respect it. Forcing your dog to continue hanging out with people or animals that it does not like can only result in bigger problems.

Img source: getyourpet.com
2. Be generous with the affection you give to your puppy
Most of the time, we do not have a problem to express that we are unhappy with something that our dog did, however, we often intend to ignore the good stuff that they do. And, that is a major mistake. Always make sure that you give your four-legged friend a lot of attention when they are progressing with their training or when they do something well. Let it know that he or she has been a good boy/girl. That is the best time to be quite generous and to give them your full attention and praise.
3. Tell your puppy what you want it to do
Do not think that there is something wrong with telling your dog “no”, the only wrong thing about it might be that you are not giving enough information to your dog. Instead of simply telling them “no”, tell it specifically what you want it to do. Dogs do not generalize things well, so if, for example, your dog jumps on the couch and you say “no”, he might repeat that action again. A better way of telling them what to do is to get it off the couch and say “stay” or “sit”. In order to avoid it being confused, you should give them general orders that they already know.

Img source: simplyfordogs.com
4. Be Consistent
Whatever way you choose to train your dog, it is important that you get your family members or roommates involved in it. If you are telling your dog not to do something, but someone else allows it to, how do you expect for it to learn anything? By involving other people to be on the same page as you, your dog will be able to learn more and it will also listen to all the people that live with you. Consistency is the key to training your dog well.
5. Have realistic expectations
You will be able to read more about how your dog’s behavior can change at different times. Do not expect them to learn everything at once, and sometimes, they might not be in the mood to train when you want to. Keep in mind that there are usual and normal doggo behaviors, such as barking, jumping, and running around, so do not try to change that. You also need to consider that your dog is doing normal things, which come naturally to it. Also, if you have been allowing your dog to do specific things for a few weeks or months, know that you will need some time to get them not to do it.

Img source: sofarm6.com
By following these tips, it will be easier for you and your puppy to go through the process of training. Keep in mind that you will need to be consistent, have a lot of patience, and praise your puppy to let them know that they are doing a good job.