After Winona admitted that she was nursing a bit of a crush on a guy with a Spider-Man beard, we thought it might be interesting to hunt down some other examples of crazy facial hair and ponder whether or not we would date these weird-bearded dudes. Click through to check out 15 guys with seriously crazy beards, plus our honest discussions about why we want to date them (or not)…
Basket Weave Beard

Source: The Frisky
Winona: I would absolutely date him because I have a feeling he would know how to french braid my hair.
Ami:Â Â I would date him as well because he is wearing an AIDS awareness ribbon.
Winona:Â Â Plus he kind of looks like Ryan Gosling, no? Dreamboat status.
Ami:Â Yes. And he has a heart. WIN.
Cousin It Beard

Source: The Frisky
Winona:Â Â OK, like, I really want to be into this guy, because he obviously has a sense of humor, but I’m mostly terrified.
Ami:Â Â I couldn’t make it happen simply because his beard is covering his lips and I could never kiss him and that would depress the shit out of me.
Winona:Â Â Oooh true, that beard is an intimacy blocker!
Ami:Â Â Facial hair should not prevent intimacy. That’s where I draw the line.
Winona:Â I think that’s a good policy.
The Face Rake

Source: The Frisky
Winona:Â Â That’s gonna be a “no” from me.
Ami:  No way here. He’s a criminal. This is a mug shot. I’ve had my fill of criminals. I’m not in college anymore.
Free Spirit Beard

Source: The Frisky
Winona:Â Â UUUNNNGGGHHH I’m obsessed.
Ami:Â Â I am too, kind of.
Winona:Â I want to make out with him while his mutton chops swirl around us in the wind.
Ami:Â Â I feel like we would go on vacation a lot. He probably likes cruises. And sailing.
Winona:  He would totally go on the Passion Pit Cruise with you.

Source: Pinterest
Ami:  I feel weird saying this, but I am ODDLY attracted to him. I want to dive into his beard and wear it as a coat.
Winona:  OMG ME TOOOOO. It looks so well conditioned. I would hide things in it for him to find later in the day … little love notes or Tootsie Rolls.
Ami:Â Â Beard snacks!!
Goldfish Beard

Source: The Frisky
Winona:Â Â Speaking of hiding snacks in beards…
Ami:Â Â I’m going to have to decline because his beard looks pubey and I don’t like the thought of snacks being covered in pubes.
Winona:Â Â Pubey snacks are THE WORST. I think we’re agreed on that one.
Ami:Â Â We’ve agreed on EVERY one so far.
Winona:Â Â Oh shit, we need to have a cat fight.
Ami:Â Â Well, only if it’s organic. This isn’t Reality TV.