Tom Hiddleston can do pretty much whatever he wants, so it stands to reason that if he wants to read the damn weather report on a local Chicago station, no one is gonna stop him. Hiddles was hanging out in the studio to talk about his new movie I Saw the Light, a biopic about Hank Williams. The movie hasn’t been getting, shall we say, glowing reviews, so it seems he’s really shaking hands and kissing babies to get the flick some good press. But hey, if that means he shows up on the local news as the weatherman to joke about how his bro Thor is causing all sorts of atmospheric mishegoss, we’re not complaining.
Hiddleston is a fascinating actor because he switches between these giant comic book movies and arthouse gems like Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive, in which he played a sexy mopey vampire in eternal love with Tilda Swinton, not to mention Guillermo del Toro’s gothic extravaganza Crimson Peak. Hiddleston’s got another awesomely weird movie coming out soon called High-Rise, based on the novel by J.G. Ballard, about a fancy condo that becomes the site of all-out class warfare. Sort of like Lords of the Flies for rich people, or Shivers minus the gross slugs. Sure, Hiddles is pretty nekkid in the movie, but anything that High-Rise director Ben Wheatley touches isn’t for the faint at heart. Anyway, if that damn Sandman movie ever gets off the ground, he better be cast as Morpheus or I’ll set my entire back catalogue of Vertigo trade paperbacks on fire.

Anyway, here’s the weather.
[HitFix]Original by: Jenni Miller