According to studies, more than half of the world’s adult population suffer from headaches at least once a year. There are different types of headaches which may include migraines, cluster headaches, headaches that are caused by stress and tension, headaches caused by poor eyesight or sinuses.
Headaches can start anywhere anytime any warning. It may start especially when we don’t have any access to medications that may help to relieve the pains. However, there are simple techniques you can adopt that could make you get better. Let us consider the list below, shall we?
1. Temperature therapy
Instead of a cold bath, having a warm shower helps to ease tense muscles and can help relieve a headache. In cases where you might not want to take a shower, there is the option of a hot compress.
2. Dehydrate
A common cause of headaches is dehydration, and to keep these headaches at bay, one must constantly stay dehydrated. Nonetheless, bear in mind that over-hydration may lead to hyponatremia. This is caused by the over-dilution of sodium in the blood and can lead to nausea, headaches and even symptoms that can quickly be mistaken for those with dehydration.
So normal intake of water is advised to wade off headaches.
3. Aromatherapy
The smell of certain essential oils, lavender, for example, can relieve you of a headache. You could gently rub and massage the oil on your forehead and temples. Then lay down and relax in a dark and quiet place.
You could also try peppermint oil as it is beneficial for the treatment of headaches. It was also discovered in a study conducted at Shiraz University in Iran, that peppermint oil is very effective for the treatment of migraines as well.
4. Herbal cure
One effective herb that has been used for centuries is ginger, and it’s been used for the treatment of migraines and headaches, and it is still as effective till date.
You could have some ginger tea by slicing some ginger in water and drink.
5. Massaging the Union Valley
The union valley is located on the dorsum or back of your hand, just between the first and second metatarsal bones. Locate the web formed between hot thumb and index finger and continuously pinch on it firmly. Ensure to feel the pressure of the pinch for about 10 seconds, then release the pinch and massage the area with the thumb of your other hand by rubbing it in a circular motion.
Try moving it counter clockwise for about10 seconds then clockwise for another 10 seconds later. Repeat the same process on your other hand by pinching and massaging.
This acupressure point is useful in relieving tension and stress in the neck and head and neck that is often connected with headaches.
6. Applying pressure on the gate of consciousness
The gate of consciousness is located in the hollow area just between the two straight neck muscles at the base of your skull.
You can relieve headaches by pressing your middle and index finger on both sides of your neck muscles for about 10 seconds.
Release and repeat the process after 10 seconds till you feel better.
7. Applying acupressure at the San Yin Jiao point
The San Yin Jiao point is located four finger-widths just above the highest area on your ankle, and in through behind the bone on the inside area of your legs.
Apply pressure by locating the points using your thumb to massage the area for at least 5 seconds. By pressing these areas, you can relieve yourself of stress that can cause headaches and it also calms the mind.
8. Rubbing the pupil bone hole
The pupil bone hole can be found at the corner of each eye. You can use your index and middle finger to massage through both sides of the eyes simultaneously gently. Do this till you are calm and relaxed. Doing this also helps elevate migraines and headaches caused stress.
9. Massaging the shoulder wells
The shoulder wells are located just between your shoulder point and the base of your neck. The best way to get relief from headaches and stress is by using your thumb to massage the points on your left side by moving your thumbs in a circular motion for about 60 seconds.
Switch your attention to the right side after 60 seconds. Doing this helps relieve stiffness in the shoulders and neck area.
10. Massaging the drilling bamboo point
The drilling bamboo points are located on both sides of the nose just above the bridge where the nose meets the ridge of the brows.
Apply pressure using your index fingers on both sides simultaneously for about 10 to 15 seconds, then release the pressure and repeat.
Pressure applied to these points is effective in relieving migraine and headaches caused by sinus and eyestrain.
Author Bio:
Oluwafemi Michael is an online Mental Health Therapist, Advocate for Mental Health Awareness, programmer, and also content creator. He currently writes for Healthable and Thegloor.