A keynote is a lecture with a core message that sets the main topic or the framework of an event and inspires the audience. A professional keynote speaker convinces with professional expertise, confident manner and the ability to adapt to the needs of the respective audience.
What distinguishes the keynote speaker from the other speakers?
The first thing you will probably ask yourself what exactly a keynote speaker is and what distinguishes it from an ordinary one, right? The main feature in which both differ is the length and the related content of your lecture.
A keynote can be seen as a counterpart to the speaker. He gives rather impulsive short lectures that address the emotions of the audience and are used for entertainment, motivation and compact knowledge transfer.
This way, guests can gather at long events and raise awareness of the following (specialist) lectures. And that is the crucial difference between them. While a speech has a more thematic content, a keynote speaker deals with the concentration and inspiration of his listeners.
He delights the audience and takes them on a trip. The word keynote is borrowed from the musical world. Because a “key note” denotes the basic tone in a piece of music.
In order to come back to it, the metaphor of a basic tone within her lecture describes the topic quite aptly. A keynote speaker is used at events to bundle the topic or the various subject areas in long conferences.
He is therefore responsible for putting the audience in the right mood. If you often go to conferences then you know that it is not so easy to motivate yourself for the entire content every time and then you also know how valuable good keynote speakers are during a long event day.
Source: Twitter
How much keynote speaker cost?
The fee varies widely, depending on the popularity, qualifications and thematic competition for the desired lecture. An important reason why keynote speakers can often charge several thousand dollars for performance is usually due to two factors. Firstly, the ability to set participants on a fixed date in such a way that they take the desired action and understand the message. Secondly, they are often chosen as a marketing tool to increase interest in an event and generate more participants and revenue for an event.
What to consider when choosing one?
In our opinion, there is no universal checklist for selecting the optimal one. It is much more about identifying suitable speakers for each event based on the specific goals, expectations and demands of the participants.
But what is very important, with knowledge of the subject matter, are good verbal skills. We will present some of the most important, which you should own if you plan to be successful. Or if you need to hire one, so you will know what to look for.
Danny Mekic suggests that it is not the only role of these types of speakers to perform at the gatherings, but also to influence the topics in which they are expert.
Source: Leading Authorities
Why do some perform better on stage than others?
Speakers who connect with their viewers and listeners feel good about their role, are present in the moment and feel the pulsation of the audience and pleasure while sharing their words publicly with others. Stage presence is nothing more than a balance between three variables: voice, body and intention.
Change the way you look at yourself
Adopt a New Perspective: Try to find yourself outside your usual comfort zone and let yourself feel scared and attracted at the same time. A reputable consultant cites the example of one of her clients, a formerly poor and now successful manager who, despite her success, has not succeeded in getting rid of the so-called “imposter syndrome”.
It manifests as an individual’s personal feeling that his success is a forgery and that he does not deserve the reputation and privileges that accompany him, and in this case, he should try to solve it with a simple technique: to look at himself affirmatively more often.
Introverted individuals who prefer to connect with people through one-on-one conversations are always viewed as an unnatural, inauthentic experience. However, affirmations such as “I like to perform in front of an audience!”, “Nothing easier!” Or “This is really fun!” are still very helpful in overcoming this experience. a couple of additional questions like, “What’s the truth?” or “Who knows what I’m capable of at all?” The answer to this last question is: Be sure it’s much, much more than you think!
Source: Meetmaps Blog
Breathe properly
When you breathe in, your belly should swell like a balloon, and when you exhale you try to completely empty that balloon. In other words, establish a breathing rhythm like the one you apply every night before bed.
It will calm you down and help you concentrate.
Repeat, but do not memorize
Learn your material, but not word for word. Just word-for-word recitation will sound robotic, forced and boring. If you are interrupted by someone, it will be more difficult to get back into the flow. Be more relaxed, stay natural and keep the focus on a smooth transition through key points.
Source: Dr. Brynn
Plan ahead – advice if you need one
It is very important that you start looking for a speaker on time. If you decide to do it at the last minute, it will not be good for you, either financially or in quality. The best time to start looking for one is 6 months before the big event, and ideally one year.
For many, this is a big-time period, so the choice generally falls to a few months. And this timeline is just fine, it’s important that planning doesn’t start a month before the event. Planning ahead will help you a lot because important things will not be left to end, and you will be able to relax as the essence of the event will be well planned and safe.
Great ones know they are great, so they set certain conditions. They will not accept to come to your event unless you ask them only one month before the event. They are often very busy because they are in high demand. If you show respect, they will know that they appreciate it.
It often happens that the success of an idea depends solely on how it is presented. Then you understand how important a good keynote speaker is in today’s world.