Toronto is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, located in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. In all seriousness, Canada is beautiful, but this city will leave you mesmerized upon spending a few hours in it. It’s the largest and most complex city in the country, and it can offer you so much fun if you allow it.
If you happen to be a person that loves to travel, Toronto is a city that you have to visit, but before you do, we want to educate you a bit more about the city’s lifestyle and how things work there. Feel free to continue reading until the end if you’re interested in learning more about Toronto, and without any further ado, let’s dive into the content.

The city is much bigger than you imagine
You might think that you’re from a big city, but trust me, unless you’re from LA or NYC, Toronto will surprise you with its size. If you don’t have a map of the place, and you just start walking randomly in a certain direction, there are very big chances that you’ll get lost in a very short amount of time. Toronto is packed with huge and shiny glass towers, beautiful looking houses and apartments, all kinds of shops and most importantly, friendly people.
When should I visit Toronto?
Anyone who’s been there will tell you that Toronto is a beautiful city during the entire year. Well, whether that’s true or not, it depends on you. Why? Because the only downside of visiting Toronto during the winter is… the winter. Winters are extremely cold in Canada, and if you are a person that’s used to a warmer climate, this might be a pretty big problem for you. If you’re okay with cold-weathers though, you’re completely good to go.

The best way of transportation
According to AirlineLimo, visiting Toronto is much better when you’re completely organized with your transportation. This means having someone to pick you up from the airport and safely carry you to the hotel or the place where you’re staying. Visiting Toronto should always be something that lasts a couple of days, so that means that you’ll most likely carry a few suitcases with you. Transferring all of them might be a bit difficult if you were to do it by yourself, so make sure that you’re completely organized for this.
Plan your visit according to events
Toronto is known to have one of the best festivals in the entire world, so if you can plan your visit accordingly, you’ll have an insanely fun time visiting these things. Whether it’s the Toronto International Film Festival or Nuit Blanche, it’s completely up to you. Just do a few searches on festivals that take place in Toronto, and plan your visit accordingly. You won’t regret a thing.

Source: Tourism Toronto
Toronto is not very expensive
We’re not saying that it’s cheap, but for such a beautiful city, the prices are considered somewhat low. The food is extremely tasty and well-made, and it doesn’t cost much. Same goes for drinks and tickets for various shows. Toronto is both affordable and beautiful.