Your relationship is a complicated thing, no matter what you may list on your social media of choice. Relationships between two adult people may contain several decades of combined life experiences, and these experiences can be dramatically different from one another. The differences you put forth are going to be a part of the relationship in the same way your DNA would be part of a child you could make with your partner. Your experience is a major component of your relationship.
Of course, sometimes, a relationship gets even more complicated. While the tradition was heterosexuality, homosexuality has finally become accepted. While there was a time when different races were frowned upon in relationships, this is becoming more and more accepted in the mainstream. As the world changes, the notion of less traditional types of relationships is becoming a more and more common occurrence in society as a whole.
What You Want in Your Relationship

Source: In Pursuit of Love
Relationships start off being tricky because the first step is to basically eliminate as many people as possible through casual dating and accumulating information about people. This results in a ton of noise as you sift through, like a jungle guide hacking away at the underbrush with a machete. It can be easy to just get into a rhythm of looking for someone, especially as time goes on. There are benefits to both sides.
On the one hand, if you look for perfection, even if you somehow find it, it isn’t going to be satisfied with you. You aren’t perfect; it won’t happen. At some point, you’re going to have to settle for some imperfections in your partner. When you can live with these imperfections, you have an okay relationship. But then, when you can love your partner fully despite, and in some cases, even because of their imperfections, this is the holy grail.
Moving Upward in Life

Source: Chatelaine
A lot of the time, people get into a relationship for less than awesome reasons. Either one partner gets pregnant and it seems that the right thing to do is to stay together, or it’s simply convenient to live together with someone you get along with. In some cases, a relationship happens just because the sex is great, and finding great sex is one of life’s most amazing joys. However, a relationship doesn’t need to be this way if you don’t want it to be.
You can improve your success in so many ways. As they say on, introducing other people can potentially enhance the intimate times. Learning more about yourself and your partner can improve your communication. At the same time, you can both work on your careers, build your wealth and social prestige, and get into some amazing times as you build something together over the many years of your lives. The entire process of adding to the complexity of your life should ultimately serve your goals, instead of working to confound or further complicate them for the mere sake of complexity.