Why is charity important?
Donating to someone who is in need, does not only benefit the specific charity, but it can be deeply rewarding for you as well. Thousands, if not millions of people donate to causes they believe in to help someone in need, and in return, they get a positive effect as well. So, what might the benefits be? Giving to a charity of your choice is a big mood booster, you will be helping others, and that knowledge will be empowering. Giving to charity will also allow children to learn more about generosity and it will encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Who is Javed Fiyaz?
Mr. Javed Fiyaz is an intercontinental professional entrepreneur of Pakistani descent, one of the most generous people in Pakistan, and global multitasking multi-millionaire acknowledged for his Humanitarian nature.
He shows expertise in Real Estate business and shares the same interest in merchandises, mining, Oil and Gas, Shipping and recently in Information Technology projects as well. Mr. Javed has fortified a high-end place on the estates of entrepreneurship.

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He considers that when you can afford a luxurious standard of living but still the discomposure of others troubles you, you should be able to give a little bit of the good lifestyle to others, who are less fortunate.
Mr. Javed Fiyaz doesn’t let money be his dynamic force. He put in his efforts for the real cause. The cause of exploiting his wealth in order to give to the less fortunate people, in the hopes of a better life for any poverty-sicken people, for the survivors of any cataclysm or fatality, for the delivery of education and health for far-flung and retrograde zones where it is problematic for the home-grown regime to make available lavatories while lingering in the financial plan.
Javed Fiyaz is an embodiment of dignity, his temperament holds some magnetism that fascinates and keeps the world in bewilderment.
Amid so many charitable workings, here are some of the virtues done by Mr. Javed that needs to be noticed by the public eye.
Javed Fiyaz Charitable Trust (JFCT)
Javed Fiyaz Charitable Trust is a revered program that was started back in 2007. Mainly it was established to dent the glitches of the 2005 earthquake sufferers. This program propelled different projects which are target-concerned and have a clear goal line to realize.
No Children Born to Die
Mr. Fiyaz’s JFCT took the initiative in 2010 to save the toddlers and children from dying and gave £306,212 to protect the new-born babies and minimize the transience rate up to 30%.
To our consternation, every year, 432,000 children under-five die in Pakistan, over two-thirds of whom die within their first month of life. It needed to be stopped, so, Mr. Fiyaz began some programs like training the staff, donated delivery kits to Out-dated health escorts, fabricating a variety of local language resources to endorse health practices in the constituency, assisting the Women’s support groups, and Village health commissions.

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As per the report, the noteworthy attainment was made for healthcare in Umerkot
The project directly reached over 18,500 children, exceeding its target. Estimates say that we got a hold of over 60,000 women – considerably more than the 19,048 initially planned.
A conspicuous and celebrated example, which interprets the attentiveness of the Pakistani Billionaire Mr. Javed Fiyaz is the dupe of enduring disease i.e. Pneumonia. The Baby baptized Ameer was combatting for his exquisite life and Children liberator team of No Child Born to die helped him conquest the fight.
Earthquake 2005
To counter the demolition initiated by the earthquake of 2005, JFCT was instituted.
The JFCT in alliance with ERRA (Earthquake Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Authority) facilitated constructing a main, greatly fortified Hospital in Baagh and a Girls School in Chakoti which has 24 classrooms and advanced science lab. Primarily JFCT was sprung to acclimatize the existences of earthquake victims, but then it prolonged the venture and added some more purposes like funding health and education facilities and equipping hospitals with modern gadgets and equipment. The JFCT, in collaboration with the Turkish government, helped to establish a new University in Muzzafarabad which is capable of educating 3000 students every year. Mr. Fiyaz had personally donated a large sum of money for the purchase of corrugated sheet metal which helped in the construction of 3000 homes for the earthquake victims in Pakistan.
Born to learn
Mr. Javed Fiyaz is not doing his charitable work only in his birthplace but internationally as well. And one of the examples of his charity work is the Southwark Poverty Eradication Project which aims to shake out the impoverishment from a specific area where the poverty proportion is close to 35%, which is more than London and UK together.
This project has a multi-programme methodology, which encompasses ESPL (Eat, Sleep, Play and Learn), Families and Schools Together (FAST); and Born to Read.

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Besides these prospective projects and programs, Mr. Javed Fiyaz is also tangled in some other kind movements, as it is his nature to satisfy the complaints of the penurious and underprivileged and decrease their problems.
The adaptability of Mr. Javed Fiyaz is shown by the ventures he is working on. So many business setups which are not even interrelated, running all alike and then working as a high-minded patron, running different programs.
He is an inspiration for the general public. He is a factual front-runner that does not only charm the crowds with his power but he is the one who leads by example. He is a proper and rousing leader that is making a path for himself and is letting his followers trail his footstep.
Mr. Javed Fiyaz is an unadulterated soul that is rendering an optimistic approach of exclusive class to the world. He is not feigning the mounds of treasure amassed up in his account. Often it is reckoned that when an elite is doing any charity work, he is just boosting off his money. However, this is not the case with this man.