According to a recent study published in Evolutionary Psycholgy, having a gay best friend is essential, not just because you need someone to talk about “I Am Britney Jean” and penises with, but because the friendship serves a “biologically adaptive function.” Researchers at Texas Christian University found the straight woman/gay man friendship to be the most “natural, mutually-beneficial, rewarding, helpful and equal human relationship that can be achieved.”
“Because straight women’s relationships with straight men and other straight women are often tainted by deceptive motives related to mating interest or competition, respectively, we predicted that straight women would perceive mating-relevant information provided by a gay male to be more trustworthy than similar advice provided by a straight male or straight female,” said Eric Russell, the study’s author.
The results? They predicted correctly. In layman’s terms, gay men give straight women the most unbiased, mating advice and visa versa, therefore creating more meaningful and deep friendships without any awkward, sexual tension.
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