Come on, just admit it. Each and every one of us has at some point at least once picked up a sick day from work without actually being sick. The tricky part is the note from your doctor, as some employers do not require you to get one, but others have a strict code that asks you to hand one in.
It is not important if you are looking for the classic doctor’s note like this one, or perhaps a release form from a hospital. There is an abundance of different excuse notes that you can purchase for less than $20. The things get even better, as for a free trial month, you have an option to make a fake phone number complete with voicemail options, to make things even more convincing.
This is called EVoice, and it is just one of the many options you are able to choose from when you buy what this company calls a “legit collection of printable fake doctor’s notes.”

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Many people expressed their honest opinions on the matter, and here are the quotes from some. A news channel interviewed several people, and almost all of them fell for the fake doctor’s note.
“Well it looks to me like they’re both real…I mean you’ve got the person’s name and a date and some reason why they were given the note,” said one Jim Faulkner.
Similar confusion and amazement was found with Anne Warnock: “I want to say that one is real, and this one I think is fake [ok they’re actually both fake] Oh! Well there you go,” she said laughing.
As we said, whether it is a regular doctor’s excuse note, a letter from a children clinic, or even an oral surgery note for that matter, for less than 20 bucks, your possibilities are endless. Check out the offer at, and start planning a fake sick day.
“I’m tempted to say immediately that that is fake, and that this is real because of the bar code and some of the other details, but then if I’m doing this to fool somebody I might have those details,” said Glen Durham.

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One of the people, Nikki Sharp, was harder to trick though, saying”They both look fake to me, [what tips you off that they both look fake?] Well first of all, printing off a piece of paper and signing it,” she said.
So we can see that regular people in the street had trouble identifying the real and fake doctor’s note. But what about the actual doctors?
Dr. Heath Nay, the CEO of Central Arkansas Urgent Care, said, “This is our actual work note, compared to this not much difference is there. I don’t condone this action at all, and you know, if I do end up finding out about somebody doing this under our clinics’ name or my name personally, I would treat it like somebody who is trying to write prescriptions under my name and we would be reporting it to the authorities for sure,” said Dr. Nay.
According to the website of the company, they claim that they sell novelty doctor’s notes. In addition, they warn customers that mimicking real medical institutions and professionals is probably going to be considered illegal if the people you are trying to trick find out. Therefore, they encourage testimonies from customers.

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So what will happen if you do get caught? A Little Rock Attorney, Tre Kitchens, said that suing would just be a lost cause, “They’re going to fire you and you will have no recourse against your employer, as far as suing the company that provided you the fake documents…I don’t think you can successfully do that anyway,” said the attorney.
Kitchens also warns that you could potentially face criminal charges for forging important documents, and even a lawsuit is possible by the doctor whose name you used for the con.
You be the judge if it is worth it. The risk is high. If you are close with the doctor, maybe they agree to help you, especially if you really need a day off for an urgent personal matter.