Washington D.C is an amazing place to visit. The capital of the United States. It offers anything that you want. From busy streets and active nightlife to big peaceful parks and quiet parts. The White House, Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol are just some of the wonders you can witness if you go there. World class museums and monuments are also available for visits. If you are a person that loves to travel, but you still haven’t visited Washington, you should definitely put it on your to-visit list, as higher as possible. In this article, we’re going to talk about some nice places that you should consider when it comes to moving to Washington.

Source: RENTCafe
The Cleveland Park
This peaceful and calm place is known for historic houses, large trees, and open, green spaces. The perfect combination for any family or people who just want to “settle down” and live a bit quietly. Statistics show that about impressive ninety-nine percent of people that moved in The Cleveland Park stayed there and never switched their living location again. That alone is enough to realize how awesome this place is. Residents say that everything they need they can find inside the park. You really don’t have to leave it at all. Cleveland Park has about 3000-3500 homes. These include duplexes, condominiums and rental apartments. This place is amazing for people who love nature and come to experience the nice and cool shade during the summertime. In the park, there are many playgrounds for different sports, fresh air, a lot of grass and good vibes. You can make a picnic wherever you want. If you’re a person that enjoys nature and peace but also loves to party and have fun nights, Cleveland Park will not disappoint you at all! There are many fun things you can do during the night including bars, movies, and restaurants.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Choosing the right spot to settle in
In the heart of Washington D.C and The Cleveland Park, there are apartments build in a really charming architectural style. DC Apartment Building Sedgwick Gardens is built for everyone who’s a lover of the outdoors, nature and peace. Built with a lot of love and effort, it makes the perfect choice for moving in the heart of Washington. They offer high-quality lobbies, kitchens, bathrooms, and windows. The apartments look really cozy and heart-warming. And the beauty of the park is just in front of your doorstep.
If you’re someone that owns a pet, Cleveland Park is truly the best choice for you. Among the other things that we mentioned earlier, the place offers a lot of dog parks and playgrounds. Overall, it is an amazing choice for people who need to work in the city but still want to enjoy a peaceful and green neighborhood when they get back in their home. Some residents call the park “a village in the city.” You get to enjoy all the awesome things Washington has to offer, but you still live in a peaceful and quiet environment with really friendly residents. It’s the perfect mixture, and you get to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Source: Trulia