If you are wondering why you should or how you are going to switch to natural beauty products when you already have a lot of these products in your bathroom, there is one thing you should know – your skin will be thankful. Today, organic products are all around us. From your neighbor’s farmer’s market to the corner shop that sells organic products, you can find these items almost everywhere. By choosing organic food or cosmetics, you can avoid potential health problems that might occur when using other products. So, are you asking yourself why you should switch to natural beauty products? Well, here are some reasons why natural, organic beauty products are better for your overall health and your skin. Let’s take a look at the list:

Source: Naturalcave
- 1. Overall Wellbeing and Health
- 2. If not for you, then for you Children and Your Family’s Health
- 3. Protects and Preserves our Environment
- 4. Organic Products Save Animal Lives
- 5. Your Skin will be Thankful
- 6. Superior Smells
- 7. They Deliver what was Promised
- 8. Organic Products have Stood the Test of Time
- 9. If you would not eat it, do not put it on your skin-thin
1. Overall Wellbeing and Health
You should not wait until you get a specific condition or illness to start looking at the ingredients on the packaging of your beauty products and then switching to a healthier lifestyle. A lot of people tend to do this too late. You should try switching to organic food, organic skin products, and natural household products. There is a wide range of information proving how common chemicals that are used in personal care, household, and gardening items, might contribute to allergies and cancer, while some might disrupt hormone levels. If you did not make a change, now is the time. Ditch the toxic load and switch to organic beauty products that will not cause illnesses or conditions.
2. If not for you, then for you Children and Your Family’s Health
What happens when your small children get their hands on your cosmetic products full of toxins that might cause them to have an allergic reaction? Or what happens when there are toxins in the laundry detergent, household cleaning products, and the cosmetics you use? You do not want to give you baby kisses and transfer the harmful chemicals to them. If not for you, you should try switching to different, natural cosmetic products that will not only keep you safe but your family members as well.

Source: Pinterest
3. Protects and Preserves our Environment
Think about it like this – if you are using products that contain petroleum and harsh surfactants like SLS, where does it all go once you have washed it from your face or body? What do you think will happen with the microbeads? Microbeads are small balls found in exfoliators. They pollute our water and endanger sea animals. Then, there is the packaging. You should opt for packaging that can be recycled, refilled or one that is biodegradable.
4. Organic Products Save Animal Lives
If the products you opt for are cruelty-free and vegan, you will be helping to save and protect animal lives. If you love and care for animals, you will want to be sure that your personal care products are going towards their precious and many endangered lives.
5. Your Skin will be Thankful
Suffocating your skin every day with products that are pore-clogging and that act like a cling-wrap can cause skin-thinning, and sun-sensitive ingredient can lead to prematurely, sensitive skin. Why not feed your skin with plant oils and ingredients that are gentle and deeply nourish your skin?

Source: Franchise India
6. Superior Smells
What would smell better for you a synthetic version of lavender or a product that was really made from lavender? For most people, it is always a natural option. Products with synthetic ingredients often have a chemical smell or are full of synthetic fragrances that are not enjoyable to wear. But, products that are made with natural ingredients smell better, are stronger, and will last longer.
7. They Deliver what was Promised
According to the experts from Lelores, natural products manufacturers will not lie to their consumers about their product because they know exactly what they are doing. They know that they use the best ingredients and they know how people can benefit from them.
8. Organic Products have Stood the Test of Time
Have you ever stopped and thought what people used to use before skin-enhancing chemicals were found? The answer is quite simple – they used natural ingredients. A lot of ingredients that are used in creating organic skincare products have been used by people for centuries, developed from old remedies that were known to be beneficial for the skin. There is no better test than the test of time and these natural ingredients have proven that they are worthy and have shown us that they do not have side effects.

Source: perfect365.com
9. If you would not eat it, do not put it on your skin-thin
Did you know that our skin absorbs everything and when we use cleansers, toners, and moisturizers, the ingredients that are in the products get absorbed into our bodies? Next time when you are out buying a cream, think to yourself “would I eat this?”. If the answer is not, it is time to turn your routine into an organic and natural one.
As you were able to read from this article, there are various reasons why you should make the switch to natural and organic products, as well as why you should quit using traditional ones. We all want to look beautiful, but we should not sacrifice our health for it. These organic products are safer, they smell better, and they are environmentally friendly. Hence, do not waste any more time and start searching for the best natural skin care products that you can get.