All of the public was ecstatic with the news about Meghan Markle being pregnant. The birth of a new member of the royal family is something that was always considered important not only for the family but for the country as of the whole. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle`s child is not going to be high up on the line of succession, but nonetheless, it is a member of the royal family, who will be at least a duke or duchess.
Meghan Markle`s due date is not known, but it is expected to be either at the end of April or the beginning of May. However, that doesn’t seem to stop Prince Harry from doing his royal duties regularly. According to his schedule, he has many engagements scheduled at the beginning of May. For example, the trip to the Netherlands, that will occur on the eighth of May. Compared to Meghan Markle`s maternity leave, it seems that his paternity leave is going to be much harder to pull off.
Prince Harris`s Paternity Leave

Source: South China Morning Post
Like it was the case with Prince William, Prince Harry will need to take some time off to help his wife with their newborn child, which is especially important to happen during the first few weeks. Naturally, his leave will be much shorter than Meghan`s. As we said, he has some royal duties he needs to attend to in the middle of May. His paternity leave will probably begin as soon as Meghan Markle goes into labor.
How long will his paternity leave last? As we said, we are presuming that it is going to be shorter than Meghan`s. Harry`s will not be as long as if he would like. According to UK media, fathers from the royal family traditionally have two weeks off after their children are born, which is the same duration of paternity leave for common people. Members of the royal family are advised to follow certain standards that are common for all the people.
Meghan Markle`s Maternity Leave
According to some sources, Meghan Markle was on maternity leave even before her labor date. This is due to her lack of appearance on royal duties at some time before it. However, that doesn’t mean that she didn’t do anything for quite some time. We are pretty certain that she did a significant amount of time that was needed for preparing all the things important for her labor.
How long is her maternity leave going to last? According to some sources, she will have three months off. This is something that was already seen in the royal family since Kate Middleton had roughly the same time off of the royal duties. However, some sources are saying that her maternity leave will be even longer. That doesn’t mean that we will not see her until the summer. Most likely, she will appear on several royal duties that are scheduled in her maternity leave. Both she and Prince Harry talked about visiting several African counties later this year.