Generally speaking, people love to take pride in the fact that we live in the 21st century, that we are all open-minded, and some things that were unimaginable a few decades ago, are completely normal now. Yes, we all want to believe that we have evolved, but unfortunately, oftentimes, the reality is completely different.
It almost doesn’t matter how much we want to be tolerant and not have a single prejudice, it isn’t something that we can easily change. Nowadays, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding certain jobs and some would say ‘way of living’.
In the following text, we are going to focus on some of these occupations, tell you why women opt for these, and even list some benefits. There is no doubt that many people would agree that working as a stripper or topless waitress is degrading for a woman. We could almost say that usually, women are the first to judge.
However, if you were to ask any of these girls, they would tell you that it is a job just like any other. For some of them, it is the career they have always wanted, while others would probably tell you that it is a way for them to earn a significant amount of money quickly. When you look it at this way, it is no wonder that many young girls opt for this type of job in order to pay off their student loans.

Source: KZtorrent
So why is it so easy for us to judge these girls? The simple answer is that we were thought to act like this, to have an opinion like this. You don’t agree? Think about it this way. Don’t you think that the behavior of your parents, grandparents, even neighbors, and community members has affected your attitude? We believe that this is the reason why these professions are still considered to be so terrible when in reality it is just a job.
Due to this, now, we are going to discuss some pros and cons of being a stripper or a topless waitress. Let’s be honest, there are certainly many girls that have considered doing this, you know, adjustable work schedule, easy money, no need to put too much strain on yourself, and so on. So, we are going to scratch the surface of what it is like to be in this line of work.
First of all, let’s be realistic, there are many potential gigs. You have numerous options at your disposal. You can apply to be a part of an agency like Ivy Models that is going to arrange all your jobs, work on your own or find employment in a club. All you have to do is to inquire about each of these opportunities, weigh pros and cons, and decide which one is the best for you.
Secondly, you are going to earn a lot of money. We believe that one of the reasons why this type of work is so paid is that many girls do not have the necessary courage to do it. Not only will you have a fixed income, but you are also going to keep all the tips for yourself. This means that you might earn in just one night, the same amount of money that someone else earns in a week or even a month. If you are smart when it comes to money, and are strong enough to resist shopping spree urges, you can actually save a significant amount of money in a fairly short period of time.

Source: OPB
Furthermore, this job can provide a major boost to your self-confidence. We are going to be completely honest, this is extremely important for every woman out there. When you work as a stripper, men are literally there to see you, to let you know how beautiful and desirable you are. Plus, you get paid for being so gorgeous.
What’s more, you get the chance to master a completely new skill which is not easy at all. Pole dancing can seem like a fairly simple activity, but the truth is that it isn’t, at all. You are going to put yourself through hard and regular training sessions in order to build your strength for the performance.
Also, while preparing for your performances, you are going to get that perfect body you have always wanted. Once again, being at the top of your game and looking fabulously is not only going to attract more customers who are ready to pay the price you get to determine, but it is also another great way to improve your self-esteem and feel great about yourself.
The work schedule can at the same time be an advantage and disadvantage. What do we mean? Well, for starter, many clubs offer flexible hours, which means that you get to choose how many days a week you are going to work. This can be great if you consider this to be just a part-time job that allows you to earn some extra cash when you need it.

Source: Twitter
On the other hand, as you know, working as a topless model means that you are going to work in the evenings and probably during the night. This can be tricky if you have a day-time job because you are not going to have enough time to rest, and also, going home alone in the middle of the night is probably not the safest thing.
Another major con of this kind of job is the judgment you are probably going to face. People who know you, maybe even some close friends are going to say a lot of bad things about you and to you. This is usually the reason why girls tend to keep this part of their life a secret.
To sum up everything, we have tried to present to you some major aspects of these professions, and also we have tried to give you some general answer to the question of whether or not these jobs should be considered to be immoral and below cultural standards. The last thing that we have to say is that all of this differs between people. Some might tell that you should be ashamed of yourself if you work as a topless waiter, while others might be totally cool with that, and what’s more, they might even ask you more about the job. Unless you know the person very well, you might never know what reaction you are going to get.