When it comes to parenting your children, being a good role model is crucial. Children are very easily influenced and will naturally fit into your mould, so it’s important that you set a good example and shape them positively to give them the best start in life.
To be a good role model for your children, follow the below 10 tips.

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Look after yourself
Taking good care of yourself should be something that you do every day, and is something your child will notice. This means that you should take care of your body, inside and out, by exercising, eating healthy foods, not smoking, not drinking excessively, etc. It also means that you should take pride in your appearance and have good habits that your child can copy, such as brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day, brushing your hair, washing your face and wearing clean clothes. It might sound simple, but these are important life skills that children should learn as early as possible.
Admit when you’re wrong
It’s important for your child to see you take responsibility for your actions and correct yourself when you have behaved badly. For example, if you get angry because of something trivial and you lash out by shouting, you should apologize for your behaviour and admit that you shouldn’t have acted that way. Or, if you shouted because you were upset at something, you should explain why you were upset, but that perhaps shouting isn’t the correct way of dealing with it.
When your child sees that bad behaviour is “wrong” and deserves an apology, they will be less likely to behave badly.
Eat a balanced diet
Eating a balanced diet is essential for a child’s physical and mental wellbeing. You should, therefore, lead by example.
A balanced diet should feature a lot of nutrients found in fresh fruits and vegetables. As a rule, each meal should have a service of fruit, a serving of vegetables, a source of dairy, a source of protein and a source of grain.
Be reliable
Being reliable to your friends and family will set a good example to your child. After all, you don’t want them to think it’s OK to break promises. So, when you say you will do something for someone, you should do all you can to follow through with that promise and not be flaky.

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Try new things
Encourage them to step out of their comfort zone by stepping out of your own. Be open to new experiences and broaden your horizons. If you have irrational fears about trying new things or going to new places, your child will develop the same habits. You should also enrol them in endeavour early education to where they can meet children their own age and be introduced to new experiences.
Be positive
Positivity is the key to happiness. Drown out any negativity by exerting a optimistic attitude, being grateful and seeing the best in things. Your child will start to do it too, and he or she will live a more fulfilled life.
Be respectful and attentive
Show the people around you the utmost respect by being attentive and listening to them. You should show respect to everyone including your family members, your work colleagues and even waiters in a restaurant. Show your child that no one deserves to be treated with disrespect or dismissal.
Emphasise the importance of family
Maintaining a close family bond is incredibly important in life, and the earlier you instil family values, the better. Make an effort to spend time with your family and be a support to them, and your child will do the same as he or she grows up.

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Set goals and work hard
It’s important to show your child that if you want something, you must work hard to achieve your goals. They may not see you at work every day, but you should talk about work with a motivated, can-do attitude and prove to them the value of hard work and what you can achieve when you put your mind to something.
Practice what you preach
The best way to be a good role model is to practice what you preach. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk. “Do as I say, not what I do” is something a lot of adults say to their children, but leading by example is a lot more effective.