Heartbreak lingers like a hangover. You wake up but don’t want to move, and your head is spinning. Sometimes you need the greasiest pizza down the street has to offer, and sometimes you *can’t eat at all. The only thing that sounds appealing is crawling into a dark cave away from anything (which is everything) that reminds you how shitty you feel. We get it. And we’ve all been that melodramatic.
The only real cure for heartbreak is time, but there are definitely ways to spend that time to expedite the process and numb the symptoms.
Source: postmalesyndrome
Like any good doctor (because I think I’ll extend the metaphor a bit farther), it’s good to isolate variables causing pain. Women are often plagued with thoughts and questions like, “What did I do wrong? Why was I not good enough?” Insecurity and self-doubt completely consume our minds as we replay final arguments over and over again in our heads. We have the uncanny ability to take on full responsibility when something goes wrong in a relationship (crazy bitch exceptions do apply).
But guess what? He’s wasn’t perfect either, so take him off that pedestal. You have full permission to believe that he sucks way more than you do in the initial stages of a break up (it’s probably true, but even if it isn’t, go ahead and allow yourself the injustice for a bit).
Source: News Channel Nebraska
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