Want to know how you can have more intimate, orgasmic sex without actually having sex? It’s called “outercourse” and Yvonne Fulbright, a “sexpert” at FoxNews of all places, has all the details. “Outercourse is the umbrella term for any kind of sex play that doesn’t involve oral or traditional sex,” she explains. “It’s ideal in minimizing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and the risk of pregnancy, although the method is not completely foolproof – depending on how much clothing you keep on.”
There are lots of reasons “lovers of all ages in all sorts of relationships may engage in outercourse,” Fulbright says. More, after the jump.
— They want to abstain from intercourse
— They don’t have the energy or desire to “go all the way.”
— They long to add some variety to lovemaking.
— One partner has an infection.
— She is menstruating.
— When much-needed contraceptives or prophylactics are not handy – again when not using birth control, it’s best to keep many layers of clothing between you and your lover.

Source: Pinterest
Outercourse promotes passion, Fulbright enthuses. It removes the end-goal, relieving performance anxiety for men especially so that both partners can “relish pleasures often missed along the way.” Outercourse allows “lovemaking to last longer, and couples are given the opportunity to soak in more of what the sexual experience is about. Partners may feel closer and more connected with each other and themselves.” So exactly what does outercourse entail? How can couples “reclaim the thrill of the forbidden nature of sex”?
Fulbright defines any of the following activities as “outercourse,” but warns not to get too carried away with any of them lest you suddenly find yourself engaging in intercourse, which, you know, could be the worst thing in the world:
- Erotic Talk. Whether in the boudoir, over the phone, via text or online, lovers can catapult each other to a carnal cosmos with some lascivious lingo. Wanton words not only amp things up, but escalate interactions to orgasm when complemented by some autoerotic action.
- Sensual Storytelling. Between reading sexy stories and looking at erotica, lovers can entertain themselves for hours while playing with their own hot spots. Fantasizing that they are part of the story further lends to a tale’s climactic moments.
- Role-Playing. By sharing fantasies, lovers can pick and choose their preferred real-life passion pursuits. Some of the hottest sex scenes haven’t involved any intercourse, like Sharon Stone in “Basic Instinct.”
- Lovers can lose themselves in scenarios that capitalize on the fact that your mind is your biggest sex organ.
- Erotic Massage. Lovers work every part of the body with scintillating sexual touch.
- Kissing. The power of hot’n’heavy make out sessions should never be underestimated, especially when it’s unexpected. Suck face and grope each other like teenagers, eventually showering your lover’s entire body with kisses.

Source: Dazed
- Cybersex. Via instant messaging, E-mail, Internet chatrooms, or cyberspace forums, lovers can have tech sex of all types. Maximum satisfaction is realized in how much you choose to touch yourself versus your keyboard.
- Strip Teases. Eroticism is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to showing some skin. Give your lover his or her own private viewing, being sure to conclude your routine with some lush lip action and titillating touches.
- Sexual Enhancement Products. Sex toys were practically made for outercourse. Offering variety, experimentation, and hours of entertainment, lovers can explore each other’s bodies as they tap all of their senses. And these days, with remote controlled devices, this can happen in and out of the bedroom.
- Mutual Masturbation. Pleasure yourself for your partner’s pleasure. Or erotically massage each other’s bodies at the same time. Or take turns stimulating the other. In any case, you learn what your partner likes while realizing mutual sexual satisfaction.
- Dry sex. Dry humping doesn’t have to die after graduating high school. Lovers can rub up against each other to no end, stimulating each other into oblivion.
- Water works. All of this outercourse may cause lovers to work up a sweat. Or maybe you just want to get wet. Taking to a bath or shower allows for the perfect post-rub down.

Source: Fakt
My vote for the most frustrating outercourse combo: Strip tease, kissing, dry sex.
My vote for the you-need-a-real-date-stat outercourse combo: Cybersex followed by water works.
Original by Wendy Atterberry |