Because of porn’s world-controlling nature, it’s not much of a surprise to find out that it bleeds into real life. I’m not just talking about the whole “let’s change positions every two minutes for no reason” thing that the more athletic of us attempt. I’m talking about real people pulling porn into reality, with some extremely ill-advised attempts to act out those fast-forwardably entertaining pre-boning narratives. And as you can probably assume, the results are all sorts of creepy.
5. Woman Attacks Plumbers for Refusing to Screw Her
I’ve never been able to understand how the humble plumber came to be a stock character in porn. Who would have thought that a profession that involves tirelessly laying pipe and routinely working with occasionally unsavory crevices could offer such an easy go-to template for boning? One that involves tons of house calls and a decidedly blue collar nature that provides a handy audience surrogate?

Since a real-world plumber’s professional involvement with bodily fluids is considerably less sexy than triple-X movies would have us believe, I suspect they generally treat their porn cred with a sarcastic “Yeah, right” while wrestling the giant turd that you flushed down last January and which has now returned for vengeance. However, their customers don’t always agree. Take the sad, sad story of this French lady who invited a pair of plumbers over to fix her radiators. Or rather, you know, “fix” her “radiators.”
She wholeheartedly attempted to fuck both of them, is what I’m saying.
After the middle-aged housewife’s rampant, drunken butt-grabbery and graphic suggestions amazingly failed to allure French Mario and Luigi into helping a dame in distress, she grew agitated and started smacking them around enough to make them flee in terror. When the pair called the police (because that’s what happens when you get your work interrupted by an aggressive sex fiend in real life) and a pair of cops arrived to the scene to retrieve the plumbers’ things with the building’s superintendent, the lady promptly attacked them, too.