There are many reasons as to why you need a safe to keep your gun. Some of them are for you and your family’s safety; others are legal and more unexpected.
For all the reasons as to why you should own, there are just amount that state you should own a gun safe. But owning a gun safe to store your firearm is much more recommended than keeping it in your bedroom wardrobe.
So for that, we are going to discuss the 5 reasons why you need a gun safe.

Source: Quality Silver Bullion
1.   Safety to You and Others
The first and most important reason why you need a gun safe is to control who has access to your firearm. The first people that come to mind are your children, visitors, friends, the cleaning lady, and burglars. Yes, that’s right, even burglars can access your firearm if you do not keep it in a gun safe. Keeping your gun in a glass cabinet offers little to no protection from a burglar smashing the glass and using your protection against you. Furthermore, children often like to play with guns before their parents come home from school, so controlling who has access to your gun is the first reason why you should always use a gun safe.
2.   Protecting Your Rights
The second reason as to why you need a gun safe is to protect your 2nd Amendment rights by demonstrating to others that you are a responsible gun owner. Most anti-gun groups will use any kind of accidents that involve guns, especially those involving children, and will often call gun owners irresponsible and evil. By keeping your firearm in a safe, you will be protecting your rights of having a gun in your house.
When looking for gun safes, always make sure to read gun safe reviews to get a better idea of what you’re looking for.

Source: Mike Ward’s Liberty Safes
3.   Laws that Prevent Children from Accessing Guns
As much as 25 states, including the District of Columbia, have laws that forbid children from accessing and using their parent’s guns. Even if you don’t have children, you are always exposed to the thought of children using your firearms as friends and family come over. These states have different penalties for allowing children access to your firearm, and you may face criminal charges for negligent storage.
4.   Protect You from Burglars
This is a reason that begs the question of why you should have a gun, rather than a gun safe. But none the less the example applies to our article. By having a gun safe, you will be able to protect you and your family from burglars and not expose yourself to them. When not keeping your gun in a gun safe, a burglar could do his research on where you keep your firearm and use it against you. He can’t do that if you keep it in a gun safe.

Source: Mike Ward’s Liberty Safes
5.   Quick Accessibility
Our final reason as to why you need a gun safe goes nicely to our previous point. A frequently asked question is how a gun safe helps you when a burglar is in your home? How do you get up and unlock your safe fast enough to use it before you get hurt? Well, many gun safe manufacturers make safes that can be unlocked faster than you would open your cabinet. These gun safes can be opened within seconds in order to keep you, your family, and your home safe from any potential intruders.