“I’m just not going to date for awhile,” is a frequent refrain I hear from my clients. There’s often a lack of enthusiasm and resolve in the delivery, signaling ambivalence. You’re probably familiar with the idea of burnout with respect to repetitive, boring jobs, or highly stressful work situations. Fatigue and a lack of interest in your work are among the signs. Actually, you can burnout on almost anything, including dating. These are the telltale signs of dating burnout and strategies to avoid it:
1. Lackluster interest in new dates. You must begin to ask yourself why you’re pursuing someone at all if you can barely muster the enthusiasm to get ready. Or perhaps you’ve lowered the bar too much and your dates really aren’t interesting. It’s time to focus on something else.

Source: goop
2. You overthink each date. It’s great to consider how the date went and what you might like to do differently next time. When you spend the whole day ruminating about what you should have said on that date, it’s a good sign you’re heading toward burnout.
Instead, be authentic. You won’t have to think as much. Consider the people with whom you can be real. You can probably be real with your family, friends or at work.
Spend a little energy thinking about what you can do to boost your enjoyment with these people. Then bring that positive energy to each date and be yourself — your best self.
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