A normal people walk about 260 kilometers in one year, and for this walking, you should have the right pair of shoes, a comfortable one. You can be fashionable, but you will put your health on the second place in your life.
In the article down below we made a list of 6 kinds of shoes that can damage your feet and whole body.
Pointed shoes may be too tight

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Pointed shoes are inappropriate for wide feet because they are too tight and make high pressure on your toes. No one wants to be squeezed, in this case, your toes. Pointed shoes can lead to nerve pain and blisters. If you want to follow fashion trends you must suffer a little pain, or you can wear them only on special occasions.
Flip-flops can cause serious misalignment in your ankles

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We all have one pair of flip flops for summer and beach, but let ask yourself question are they really comfortable. You have plastic or rubber part between your toes which lead to skin harm and misalignment in your ankles and knees, and your feet are not normally supported. Also, try to run in flip-flops, and you will not get anywhere.
High heels can lead to nerve damage

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Is there any woman who does not love to wear high heels? They are beautiful, attractive, and women feel sexy in wearing them, but they can cause more damage that you can imagine. When you wear high heels more often you can suffer from lower back pain, or wearing them can lead to sprains, ingrown toenails or nerve damage. To avoid this problem you should pay attention when you are buying high heels; they shouldn`t be higher than 3 inches. You can always take them in your office and put some comfy shoes while you are working.
Flat shoes put pressure on the plantar fascia

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Most of the women do not believe that flat shoes can do you damage, but it is true because they do not have any arch support and you will suffer from pain in your knees and back. All the pressure will be on the plantar fascia, and they do harm to your legs more then you think. It will help if you buy orthotic inserts, put in them and fix the position of your feet.
Running shoes can cause you trauma if they are too light and soft

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Running shoes are just for running, remember that, you can not wear them every day. Yes, they are light and comfy, but this is no good for your feet. They can damage your plantar fascia, and you can always buy athletic shoes, which are made with harder bottoms for every day.
Platform shoes ruin the mechanism of walking

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When you are walking you need to be able to bend, and in platform shoes, this is not possible. Those shoes are not flexible and your moving is limited. Shoes are made to repeat movement of the people and those shoes going against the walking, and you can think that you are going backward.
What are your favorite shoes, and do you like fashionable or comfortable shoes to wear?
Source: brightside.me