It can be very tempting to go home after a long day at work to sit back on the couch and relax, enjoying the rest of your day without any movement. But some people know better. They know that it is then that you should get up, and get going to the gym. Working out will revitalize your body and brain, and you’ll feel much more energetic than if you lay down for the rest of the day. There’s also the fact that your health and overall shape will be much better for it. One thing you need to do is ensure that you get the most out of your workout, even if you are not feeling at your best. In this article, we’ll share some tips to help you do just that.

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1. Eat well before your workout
It is imperative that you eat well before your workout because that is how you make sure you’ll get the maximum performance out of your body, and more importantly, ensure muscle growth and recovery afterward. You shouldn’t eat just before exercising, unless it’s a banana or an apple, but never a heavy meal. If you want to have some food, then you should do it an hour or two before hitting the gym. The meal should contain carbs most of all, because they are a very important source of energy that will keep you going throughout your workout, and you will be able to sustain a high level until you’re done. You shouldn’t eat proteins before, because they take time and oxygen to get digested, which might affect the quality of your exercise.
2. Listen to music while exercising
You probably already do it anyway, but you might be asking yourself, how is this relevant to maximizing the output of your workout? Well, it has actually been scientifically proven that listening to music helps you get more out of your time at the gym, and more importantly, it helps your muscles recover faster! This is because music boosts serotonin and dopamine levels in the body, which promotes faster and more efficient recovery. So, definitely remember to pick up your headphones while heading to the gym; they might be just what you need.

Source: Persona Nutrition
3. Stay hydrated
Whether you take water with you to the gym or not, you probably don’t really know just how important it is to stay hydrated while working out. It could literally be the difference between a solid 90 minutes at the gym, and your body faltering after 20. Drinking is crucial as it will help your body recover all the water it has lost due to sweating, and it will give you an energy boost that will keep you going for the duration of the workout. Staying hydrated while working out isn’t an option really, and it’s something that could improve the quality of your fitness journey like no other.
4. Use supplements
When most people hear the word supplements, they get nervous and think about someone using needles or something, but that is far from reality. There are plenty of natural supplements out there that you can take in the form of tablets or powder. These can make a lot of difference in your workout routine as you can see in the article by FitnessInformant that highlights the different products you can use before, during, and after a workout. The thing is, these supplements provide you with the nutrients and elements your body needs to maximize the outcome of a workout, and as a result, your muscle growth, recovery, and endurance are significantly improved.
Some of those supplements your body can’t even produce, like branched-chain amino acids, which are very important for muscle recovery, energy-boosting, and a host of other functions that will take your workout to the next level.

5. Warm-up properly
Most people stretch before workouts, which isn’t bad per se, but there is a much better option out there: dynamic warm-up. Instead of overly stretching your body in vain, go for a dynamic warm-up that moves your entire body, whether it is squats, lunges, or basically mimicking the workout you’re about to start on. That way, blood flows properly through your body, and your muscles become more prepared.
6. Eat after you’re done
It is very important that you eat well after you’re done with your workout. But contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t mean eating just proteins. In fact, carbs are just as important after exercising, because they help your body restore its energy levels. So, include plenty of lean protein and carbs in the meal you’re going to eat after exercising.

Source: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock
7. Sleep well
Your workout won’t amount to much if you don’t sleep properly after you’re done. Your body needs its rest, and your muscles have to get enough time to recover properly. Recovery aside, getting enough sleep is also very important for your performance level at the gym. Your ability to exert effort and endurance significantly deteriorates if you don’t get enough hours of sleep, and this is why you need to get yourself at least 7 or 8 hours every day.
8. Train under professional supervision
It doesn’t matter that you’ve been going to the gym for the past 10 years. You still need to train under professional supervision. A licensed coach will help you take advantage of your effort and get the most out of your workout. They’ll also give you tips considering diet, performance, and more importantly, the proper form of training.

Source: Sports Beem
9. Change your routine
It has been shown that switching things up and changing your exercise routine are crucial for getting better results. By doing so, you exercise all your body muscles, and you improve your endurance levels as well as your performance. So, every couple of months, change the particular exercises you usually perform and go with a different routine.
You need to start following some or all of these tips because that will make a huge difference in your overall performance. You’ll be better able to maximize your effort, feeling healthier and more energized in the long run. It takes time and patience, but with some self-discipline and commitment, you can definitely get the form you want.