When you think of settling down, Jennifer Aniston isn’t usually the first name to come up. That was until of course that weekend when she said “yes!” to longtime beau, Justin Theroux. Honestly, I’ve always been Team Angie, but it’s so great to see Jenn happy. Everyone deserves to find that special someone, and it seems like Justin is That Guy for her. In their pictures together, he looks just as in love with her as she is with him. How sweet!
But, Jenn has kissed a lot of frogs before getting to this point. Most of them weren’t terrible guys (I mean there was Brad Pitt), but they were frogs for her. Which teaches us girls a lesson. There are a lot of guys you need to date before you can really settle down. Each one is great in their own way and gives you important life experiences. Finding The One first isn’t always the best thing! Don’t believe me? Look through the guys below and you’ll change your mind.
1. The High School Sweetheart. Having a high school sweetheart is well … Sweet.

Source: Alicia Galván
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