There are multiple benefits of buying a used car comparing to a brand new one. It is cheaper, you will be getting a car that has already been checked and tested, and chances are it is already insured. On the other hand, buying a car from a third party might not be as safe as buying it straight from a car dealership and there are some checks that you might want to perform beforehand. One of the most important is the REVs check which is a great way to get more information about the history of the car you will be buying and its owner.
Now, there are multiple online options offering you the REVs check option and it is easier than ever to get the relevant information for just a few dollars per report. Without further ado let’s go ahead and see what are the possible benefits of this option!
What Are The Benefits Of REVs Check
1. Well first and foremost is the fact that you will be able to find out if there are any debts connected to the car. As a part of a loan car can be put as collateral and if that was done by the previous owner it is something you need to know as it can make or break your buying deal. By uncovering the commitments there is no room for a surprise.
2. A great thing about it is that it doesn’t only serve to check cars and vehicles but can be used for revealing information about watercraft and even farm equipment. And it is so easy to perform as there are only a few things you need – VIN/REGO number, engine number and possibly the enrolment number.
3. Last but not least you will be able to find out if the car that the current owner is selling has maybe been stolen or the odometer has been reset back to average numbers (this is done pretty often to pump up car’s price).
What Are Your REVs Check Options
One of the safest and most popular options certainly is a REVs Check app and the QuickRevs is a great example of how it should look like. The QuickRevs app that includes Australian vehicles, truck, etc. offers two options when it comes to getting a report – the VIN option (for $5.89) and the more inclusive REGO option ($8.89). It is a great app that will give you a relevant report in a matter of few steps – type in the number, pay and receive.
When it comes to what can you find out of REV’s report we can list a variety of different information. First and foremost you will be able to find more information about the current owner and certain financial details. Along with that, you will be getting all the details considering the vehicle (plate, compliance plate, make/model/year) as well as relevant registration info. As mentioned above one of the most important things is that you will be able to find if it was maybe stolen and is now sold as used.
A great thing about this app is the fact that it is easy and safe to use. You will be getting a readable report for a cheap price. Last but not least this app offers a summarized SMS report that you can sign up for!
If you are thinking to buy a used car we absolutely recommend that you conduct the REVs check beforehand. After you are sure that the car is legally acquired and there is nothing wrong with it you will be able to safely move on and make a deal with the owner. The QuickRevs is an excellent example of a great app that will provide you with a formatted and readable report for a fair and a reasonable price!